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follower slot blocked


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Trying to read through console command wiki entries, but so far not finding anything to help me.


Something apparently attached to me as a follower. I don't recall asking anyone to follow, only had pets and horses. But now I tried taking an npc for a steward and everyone says I already have a follower.

I don't see anything following me. Fast travelled multiple times and nothing caught up. I'm afraid this might have been going on for too long now to revert to a sensible save. Only solution I see now is console commands..but I cannot find the right one.

Any ideas?


p.s. the only mod that might have anything to do with followers that I got is Inigo, but I didn't even talk to him yet


edit: found GetGlobalValue and playerfollowercount, if all else fail I'll just nuke the latter to 0, but I would prefer finding out how to see what set it to 1

Edited by StDrake
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hmm..tried AFT, it zeroed out playerfollowercount and summon didn't bring anything near

then tried recruiting and NPC and summon worked on that, but playerfollowercount still 0

wondering how to interpret that, suspecting some temporary follower, maybe from a dungeon, didn't check out when leaving my side. Should probably be safe to zero out the count without it then

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