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Bow and Arrow


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Actually this could be done, the animation would be the hardest part to mod.


Crossbows have been made, check out the S_T_A_L_K_E_R mod, it has several new weapons and armor, among them is the Crossbow, it is very effective but it uses the 'hunting rifle' animations.


A bow would be possible but animating such a thing would be something beyond my own abilitys, but certainly not everyones.

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You cannot animate new things without breaking another weapon (you can replace gun animations, you cannot add gun animations so far). That is why, do not expect to see it anytime soon.
Well, if the weapon is intended to be used only by the player, there is a way to get around that limitation.


There would have to be a custom made .kf file and some scripts.

The custom animation scripts could go something like the following:


Object Script placed on weapon

SCN WeaponObjectScriptName

begin gamemode
 if player.GetAnimAction == 2 (weapon fire animation)
   if player.GetEquipped WeaponName== 1
     player.CastImmediateOnSelf WeaponAnimationActorEffect (.kf file loaded as an idle animation)
     player.FireWeapon WeaponName


And then create a base effect with this script:

scn AnimationEffectScriptName

Begin ScriptEffectStart

if IsPC1stPerson == 1
	if player.GetEquipped WeaponName== 1
		Player.PlayIdle 1stPersonAttackAnimation
		Player.PlayIdle 3rdPersonAttackAnimation	


Afterwards, create an actor effect containing the animation base effect.

And voila.


Everytime you attack, the custom animation will play.

If someone would like to make a .kf animation file for a bow and arrow, he could just load it as an idle animation set to be played everytime the weapon is fired.


The only caveat would be that this works only on the player character.


It creates a glitch on NPCs and Monsters, on which dozens of "failed" weapon firings will stock up and fire at once after a few successful animations.

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Or you could just settle with not using the 10mm pistol as a sacrifice for using a bow and arrow.

You could replace the 10mm pistol completely with the bow and arrow... like a government coverup lol

if it isnt there, :bomb_ie: No one will notice it left O.o

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Or you could just settle with not using the 10mm pistol as a sacrifice for using a bow and arrow.

You could replace the 10mm pistol completely with the bow and arrow... like a government coverup lol

if it isnt there, :bomb_ie: No one will notice it left O.o



Erm... if you're ok with trashing away every handgun just to have a bow then go ahead. Oh, did i failed to mention that all handguns use the same firing animations? all rifles share 1-2 animation groups for firing, and there's about only 2 different sets of animations for big guns?, 3 for melee and 1 for h2h?.



The spell way is heavily prone to having synchronization problems, BAD synch problems, as script speed vs animation speed is different for each computer setup and it even varies depending on how much loaded is the pc at the current scene. Expecting the arrow from the animation and the arrow from the scripted weapon firing to ever match with that method is utterly unrealistic. It'd look horrible.

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The spell way is heavily prone to having synchronization problems, BAD synch problems, as script speed vs animation speed is different for each computer setup and it even varies depending on how much loaded is the pc at the current scene. Expecting the arrow from the animation and the arrow from the scripted weapon firing to ever match with that method is utterly unrealistic. It'd look horrible.


Takes a considerable amount of tuning for each weapon and animation.


Some stock FO3 animations works in creating a "psychic blast" type of thing. But for a bow and arrow... that's VERY tricky.


Good luck to anyone taking up that cup.

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Normal gun synch is made easily because the firing animation tells the game when to show a muzzle flash and when to shoot. You don't get to do that playing an iddle.

Right. Therein lies the problem.


I've used the pushbrahmin idle anims, combined with a nif-less projectile to create the illusion of something similar to a force push. It works. But as you said, getting the animation in sync with the weapon firing is problematic.



I was thinking that a similar approach could be taken to do bow and arrow.

Very problematic, I know.

Do-able? There's a very small possibility.

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