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Bow and Arrow


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why dont u just make an arrow melee weapon and shank people with it? :starwars:


Or you could make it so he holds the bow SIDEWAYS like in Sneek mode zoom in in TES Oblivion

You could use the rifle animations for that (it works with the crossbow) << Good idea



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Looks nice cal, nice effect too, but then again, sync for casting is far less problematic than arrow... And then you have the sounds to sync D:. You also have to take into account holding and aiming animations, remember that fo as well as ob tends to screw iddle animations when you turn | walk | look up/down. It also cancels them on normal weapon drawing and if reload animations are called.

I don't think it's really doable through that method unless fose gives us a way to detect in which frame is the current animation at.


Lucidx on the other hand, you don't have the slightest idea of what you're talking about, and the smileys don't make your idea look less ignorance-induced, stop trying.

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Sorry TGBlank I didnt know you where that kind of person, I was just trying to suggest an idea, if you dont like it, then disregard it. I'm a beginner modder, and I want to LEARN to be good at modding.


So Instead of putting me down for an idea that wouldnt work, you could offer your alternate opinion inwich sways you to disaprove of my idea so that I could gain knowledge as to the error of my ways.


You dont help ANYONE by telling them to stop trying.


I can't believe I thought you were cool. :stupid:

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I don't think it's really doable through that method unless fose gives us a way to detect in which frame is the current animation at.
That's the rub, right there. :)

I've yet to dwelve into FOSE.

But if FOSE could be used to do such thing, it'll be a godsend.


And Lucidx, I think you should expand on your ideas and solutions to see whether it's feasible. I know I learned a lot by setting seemingly impossible goals. Perhaps you can also benefit much by doing the same. :)

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Before putting out an idea, think it will you?, take out a rifle in fallout and picture how horrible would it look the hand position, firing animation of hands and the aiming animation if it where a bow instead (hands would remain in the exact same position, as that is the rifle animation). The hands aren't even in the correct orientation FFS. And those are only the ridiculously obvious parts that are simply wrong for a bow.
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An idea occurs....



You make a bow model you set it as a throwable weapon but the projectile is a railway spike.


So it looks like your holding a bow and it would sorta look like firing the bow also.


I actually might try that because to me it sounds like a valid idea.

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