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Sword Request, and two questions.


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Hello. I'm new to Skyrim, having only purchased it very recently, and I've already taken a look through the mods available, but I didn't find any that were to my liking (not including Better Vampires, by Brehanin).

Assuming there are no legality issues, here are the Swords I would like;


Rebellion - Devil May Cry 4 (only thing I'd like to point out is that the only difference between the two faces of the sword, is that one side has two spikes/horns on the skull, the other is bare)


Fusion Swords, aka Buster Sword - Final Fantasy (this sword is wielded by cloud, and has a total of six pieces I think. I'd like the pieces all seperate - no completely assembled sword; I imagine that one or two people out there might like to do a sidequest to put them all together, or something like that, and I want to be considerate of this. Also, for the centre piece/main blade, I'd like the blade to be in its extended state <unless by some astronomical chance it could be animated to alternate between drawn and sheathed>)


Marka Ragnos' Sword - Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (while I am a Star Wars Fan, and am aware of the Magicka Sabers mod, I'd like something a little more in tune with skyrim)


This; http://www.amazon.com/Fantasy-Master-FM-453-Sword-Overall/dp/B0013RLPA8


Miroku - Mai HiME (wielded by Mikoto Minagi)


And two custom designs which will be displayed to the person who takes the request.

If there are any issues with any of the swords, (i.e., they are too complex) say so.

I have the aforementioned Better Vampires mod installed, so please state if there will be compatibility issues.




Custom Animations - How complex can they be? Are they limited to simple things, or can entire new attacks, movements, stances, and gestures be made?


Capes, warskirts, jackets, and cloaks - in the case of mod requests, can those be animated to work correctly when running?

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