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You've Got to be Crazy to Enjoy the Shivering Isles.

David Brasher

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QUOTE (Oruboris @ Jun 6 2009, 07:06 PM)
Call me crazy, then!


Wasn't till I got to SI that I realized just how bland and boring the rest of Cyrodil is-- all the towns surrounded by identical walls, all the houses the same colors, boring armor, boring clothes, no real vibrancy to anything.


Yeah, there are some mods to fix this, but it really isn't a very exciting game world to look at when you think about it. The distant veiws rock, but otherwise it's about as diverse and visually stimulating as the average city park.

you needed SI to figure that out?


Well, yeah, kinda-- Crazy, remember?


I just figured the Oblivamakers were those sad little kids that had the 16 crayon boxes and colored only inside the lines, instead of the 64 crayon boxes and a ream of blank paper. SI proves they have some imagination after all.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Well I love shivering isles and think that sheogorath rocks! also what have you people got against us homicidal/genocidal players! just because when I start an online game I set about being the most evil sadistic character imagineable. I LIKE SHEOGORATH THOSE OF YOU WHO DONT I WILL HUNT DOWN IN EVERY WAY I CAN :verymad: Cheese for everyone!
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personaly i found that the isles add an extra feel to the whole elder scrolls experience but i did find some of the fortresses a bit boring and the quests did tend to be a little repetitive.

besides it can be good to go on a bit of a "holiday" from regular old medieval cyrodiil.

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Well to be honest at first I didn't like SI (some quests are really stupid) the thing that I have to choose between Duke of Mania or Dementia really pisses me off. Mania is better kinda but I always liked the "evil" so i choose Dementia and the reward sux, and the quest to become duke/duchess of Dementia is really damn hard. Mania, however is pretty easier and funnier.

Then wehn you become Sheogorath the fun has started (but staff sux)

Later when i've finished the main quest i gave a try on optional quests that are so easy and yet so funny (like the dude who's afraid of walls,the guy who wants to kill himself)


Then started to explore a bit SI and the places are far more better than Cyrodiil

SI is good though but main quests are stupid. The sword that u get at the beggining of SI is good, the hill of suicides etc..


P.S. I hate SI and Oblivion main quest. Morrowind's main quest rules to be honest. The story is far more better and far more harder while SI and Oblivion are easy like hell.

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