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Prototype beats inFamous

Varus Torvyn

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Infamous does look pretty cool but since it's a PS3 exclusive prototype will most likely beat it in sales. Gameplay idk but I've been looking forward to Prototype since gameinformer covered it back in 2007. Only 2 more days and I get the game.
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If you check out the ign reviews, Prototype is scored 2 points lower than inFamous.

The main reasons being Prototype's draw distance is jarring, its animation is not as good as inFamous and less variety in its mission.

From the videos, I can see that Prototype has more variety of powers than inFamous. That's a strong point in Prototype.

And those powers sure look like fun.

inFamous looks like it has better graphics and animation. It has a good-bar karma system, and the IGN reviewer says the missions are a bit open ended in the way that you can choose to settle things peacefully or with violence.


So does Prototype beat inFamous?

I disagree.


Which game is better?

It's up to each person. It's subjective.

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Prototype wins - first because they knew the PC market is the market for gaming, and second, more action. inFamous loses due to their disregard for other systems. My opinion, I'm not going to buy a PS3 just so I can play inFamous.
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