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sorry ,title can't post. I try many times. "Can container be active and exchange with actor (no player)?"


in game, container can be active and exchange with player, but can't exchange with other actor.

can help me, thank you.

function OnEquipped(actor akActor)

	ObjectReference CrossHairRef = Game.GetCurrentCrosshairRef()
	ObjectReference playerref = game.GetPlayer() as ObjectReference
	if akActor == game.GetPlayer()
		DRScBodyNPCOpenSD.Play(akActor as ObjectReference)
		akActor.EquipItem(aaaMRbohARM as form, true, true)
		game.DisablePlayerControls(false, false, false, false, false, true, true, false, 0)
		If (CrossHairRef as actor) && (CrossHairRef != playerref)
			String ActorName = (CrossHairRef as actor).GetActorBase().GetName()
			aaaMRbohContREF.Activate(CrossHairRef, false)
			debug.notification("Exchange Target :" + ActorName)
			aaaMRbohContREF.Activate(playerref, false)
			debug.notification("Exchange Target :player")
		game.EnablePlayerControls(false, false, false, false, false, true, true, true, 0)
		akActor.UnequipItem(aaaMRbohARM as form, false, true)
Edited by pxd2050
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NPC 无法与容器交互。



Thank you for your reply.
I want to create a box specifically designed to hold armors (or other types, such as wigs), and then assign armors to NPCs.
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Get the target NPC

Have the player put items for the target NPC into the container

Transfer the items via script from the container to the NPC.

RemoveItem is your friend here.


If desired, have the target NPC walk to the container and play an idle that looks as if they are digging through the container.

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Get the target NPC

Have the player put items for the target NPC into the container

Transfer the items via script from the container to the NPC.

RemoveItem is your friend here.


If desired, have the target NPC walk to the container and play an idle that looks as if they are digging through the container.

Transfer the items via script from the container to the NPC.

I don't quite understand how to do it. Is there a similar script?

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Script on the container:

ScriptName SomeContainerScript Extends ObjectReference
: ^ change the name of the script as necessary

FormList Property myList Auto
; ^ fill with an initially empty form list

Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
  If akSourceContainer == Game.GetPlayer()
  ; ^ if the player added the item
    ; ^ add the item to the list

After obtaining the target NPC, could be a spell that the player casts at the NPC or it could be an SKSE key press that grabs the crosshair target. Either way the following custom function could be used. Just be sure to pass the correct data into the parameters.

Function MoveItemsToNPCFromContainer(ObjectReference myContainer, FormList myFormList, Actor myNPC)
  ; ^ moves up to 999 instances of each item in the list from the container to the NPC
  ; ^ clears the form list of script added entries making room for gear for the next NPC

This could also be done within a dialog fragment if you'd prefer to use dialog to obtain the target actor. But if done via dialog fragment remove the function wrapper and just use the two internal lines.

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