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Questions about UFO Visibility Chance


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I have searched and searched but to no avail on any wiki or previous thread. I am playing EW with some altered Toolboks mods and edited DGC.ini stuff.


I donot seem to see UFOs before abductions, the amount of UFOs are low, is there something i am missing is marathon mode overwriting this and causing low UFOs?


Do I need more than a DGC.ini edit to get those UFO busy skies.


My settings so far.








I donot seem to see UFOs before abductions, the amount of UFOs are low, is there something i am missing please help.

Edited by Vitohawk
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As I recall from EU, the strategy AI never plans abduction missions in countries with satellite coverage, so turning on their visibility doesn't do much good. The AI plans all of its missions at the beginning of each month. So if it plans a mission and then the player puts up a satellite the abduction ufo would be visible. However most players launch sats at the end of the month so it doesn't come up much.


Also Landed UFOs are hard-coded to be undetectable (I plan to suss out that code to make "landed" type missions able to be seen and shot down).

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Sounds awesome I cant wait to play Long War in the meantime I'm doing as much as I can to make the game more challenging but fair. I do have abduction enabled where sattellites are but still not many UFOs happening.


I guess I'll have to wait for that part when I play Long War. Thanks for the replies

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For what it's worth here's the snippet (valid for EU patch 4) that was used to enable abductions:

Allow abductions even with satellite coverage
ef 00 07 c0 00 19 00 88
ef 00 06 c0 00 19 00 88

By looking at the function you might be able to replicate it in EW -- sorry I can't help more but I haven't looked into that part of the code in EW.

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Updated hex codes for EU Patch 6 and EW Patch 1 in the first two posts of Storms over former XCOM members | Controlling abductions thread.


Enabling abductions with satellite coverage is at the end of the second post.

Edited by Drakous79
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