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Should some mods by some banned users be removed from Nexus?


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Should some mods by some banned users be removed from Nexus? They obviously will never be maintained and updated going forward.


I have a good example.


Relics of Hyrule SE Addon 1 (Goddess Spring) by theMetroidThumper.


That user was banned for ToS violations. The mod I mentioned is not compatible with the current versions of Relics of Hyrule, and even caused outright instability when you try to used for the version it was made for. The mod has a bunch of undocumented edits that were not documented. Some of which even caused vanilla Whiterun merchants to die due to the author copying and placing them as corpses.


I am pretty sure there are more mods that fit this bill... but this one is what caused me to come here.

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There are tons of mods that are problematic, outdated, etc, and their authors are not banned, just no longer active or don't care to fix the mod. Also tons of mods that work 100% working but have not been touched in years. And I am sure there are good/useful mods by users who were at some point banned.

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if their mods are not violating the ToS, no.


Do you outlaw some life-saving invention because the inventor committed a crime?


Sorry ma'am, we had to let your husband die. Use of the defibrillator has been banned due to its inventor being convicted of a parking infraction.


and yeah I know I'm being hyperbolic. just in case.

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