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What do you think caused this bug?


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I don't think this fits in troubleshooting, because this solved itself and has never happened again thus far and nor am I looking for a solution, but I thought it was ridiculous so I wanted to share and get some thoughts.

So there I was in the lovely home added by Legacy of the Dragonborn. I go to try and enchant a new bow I'd made and find it not an option, so I exit out of the interface to see if dropping it and picking it back up will help.
Then it happened. THE EXPLOSIONS.


(Sorry that this was recorded with a phone, in the moment I was trying not to lose my s#*! laughing, and opening OBS didn't come to mind in my shock.)


All I hear is explosion sound effects. I bounce from the enchanting room all the way to the selling chest. I take no damage and see green textureless triangles continuously surround me. My son tries to help me by giving me some item, but I cannot see what it is. After two minutes it ceases, and my boyfriend and I now cry laughing about what we just witnessed.


Now, a day later... I am still stunned. What happened? What caused this?

https://modwat.ch/u/Sataesim Here's my current modwatch for this playthrough. Nothing's conflicting and I rarely CTD (and did not the entire session after this). What the hell do you think that came out of?

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Two lore friendly options as to what happened:

1. Elder Scrolls Online was still participating in the Jester's Festival a few days ago. Perhaps there was an intent to bring a bit of that into Skyrim with a good old explosive prank?

2. There is an LotD quest that revolves around the museum being haunted. Perhaps this was part of that?

*never actually got that far myself, so no idea what is supposed to happen*


As to what really happened, no clue...

Edited by IsharaMeradin
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