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Broken steel bug


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after activating project purity i just die and i get credits, i am fully patched and have several mods running.


Broken steel is working cause the level cap is raised and i keep bumping into Enclave in the new armour.


coudl th emods be conflicting? i haven't used any mods which muck with the dlc apart form tesxture changes.


anyoen got any ideas

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sounds like you are missing the videos bik, and do you maybe have a freeplay mod installed ?

also maybe a level cap , you will have to del all these mods


Broken Steel help




Place the bik files into your Fallout3 \data\video folder.

Place the bsa and esm files into your Fallout 3 \data folder.

Activate the files in the Fallout 3 Launcher.

Play the game!


alot of people did not do this so broken steel dose not run :)

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all the videos are in the right place,


the only mod i could think of that would be borking this is the alternate starts one. Even then that doens't make much sense but i will disable it and test it now




tested with only the DLC runnin and stilll had same problem.

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post your mods on here i will have a look (you need to del the mods not just disable them this dose not work)



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ok here is my mod list


[X] BrokenSteel.esm

[X] Skrees_BF2142.esp

[X] ZL-MP5 Pack.esp

[X] Backpacks - SedPL.esp

[X] JSBlack'sNanoArmor.esp

[X] UsableCigarettes.esp

[ ] Enclave Theme.esp

[X] [CLO]BlackWolf Backpack.esp

[X] eyes_hairpack_en.esp

[X] Eyepatch.esp

[ ] 40K Weapons OA.esp

[X] ThePitt.esm

[ ] Kidsclotheslm01.esp

[X] Alternate Start - Roleplayers.esp

[X] JHB Improved Clover NPC.esp

[X] GaryHoloTape.esp

[X] Cavalry Revolver.esp

[X] 1alexscorpionsnipergear.esp

[X] WA2000-retex-v1.00.esp

[ ] MP7A1only.esp

[X] Anchorage.esm

[ ] M4A1&G36SD.esp

[X] Aviators.esp

[X] Saiden Storm Custom Weapons.esp

[ ] race_and_eye.esp

[X] Wattz Laser Non Replacer Mod.esp

[X] M1911.esp

[X] VZ61.esp

[X] FalloutShelter.esp

[X] UniqueSmallGuns-NO_WMK.esp

[ ] ColtAnacondaAddon.esp

[X] VashDeagleV5.esp

[X] GrenadeLauncher_functional.esp

[ ] fnfalv5.esp

[ ] NippyClothingV1.esp

[X] ChinesePistolUpgrade.esp


[ ] MPammo.esp

[ ] Tau Ammo.esm

[ ] Tau Rail Rifle.esp

[ ] Tau Rail Rifle (MFC).esp

[ ] Tau Pulse Carbine.esp

[ ] Tau Ammo Vendor.esp

[ ] Tau Pulse Rifle.esp

[X] TheWanderingRanger(The Locker).esp

[X] [uU] Unique Uniques .04.esp

[ ] EnhancedChildren.esm

[X] StarPaladinCrossStandard.esp

[X] CivilDefenseBroadcastSystem.esp

[X] Myerz_Items.esp

[X] Tenpenny Suite.esp

[X] For China.esp

[X] HunterScopeRC.esp

[ ] LeatherArmorMk2.esp

[ ] Wasteland Mercenaries.esp

[X] Wyrd_Wasteland_Perks.esp

[ ] Camo Uniforms Remix Reduced Effects & DR.esp

[X] WinchesterModel1894Yellowboy.esp

[X] RadioTenpennyTower.esp

[X] Random Encounter U54 Human Bomb fix.esp

[X] MTC MoreGuardsInBigTown.esp

[X] Fallout3.esm

[ ] RaidersRedoneModular01.esp

[X] TRmbk.esp

[ ] Ghost-Armor-Pack.esp

[ ] Regulators_Overhaul_lvl2.esp

[X] VDSP-01.esp

[X] 3EFhelmlessstealthsuit.esp

[X] Pre-War Shelter.esp

[ ] DN_RecyclingMachine.esp

[X] Faces_Of_Fallout.esp

[X] FleshBurningPlasma.esp

[X] HairTradeV1.esp

[X] MyPipe2.esp

[X] All Anchorage Armors Usable.esp

[X] Gauss_clip_size_4.esp

[X] TraitorsNeverWin.esp

[X] BetterAnchorageT-51b.esp

[ ] g36mod.esp

[ ] light raider.esp

[X] Power Armor Helmet Light.esp

[X] RipleysRifle.esp

[X] collectionagent_improved.esp

[X] Miniguns.esp

[X] braums switch.esp

[X] sunglassescollection.esp

[X] AndragornsApocalypticArmoury.esp

[ ] Targeter.esp

[X] Krigos2SVD.esp

[ ] SP_Better Looking Fallout.esp

[ ] MP5K.esp

[ ] Nitem4re_M4A1.esp

[ ] Tactical Vest CIRAS.esp

[ ] Tactical Vest CIRAS - Vendor Restock Script.esp

[ ] 40K Weapons Base.esp

[ ] boltgun.esp

[X] HZ_MP7.esp

[X] HZ_Glock.esp

[X] Nuka Cola Theme 3000 v1.esp

[ ] DIM TYPE3clothesRETAIL.esp

[ ] Scout Outfits.esp

[X] vancesuit.esp

[ ] WA2000.esp

[X] BlachhawkToDesertEagle.esp

[X] goat_perks.esp

[X] aks74.esp

[X] kamikaze_armor01.esp

[X] RD_WinchesterM1887.esp

[ ] Project Beauty.esp

[ ] All Races Fallout 3.esp

[X] HZ_USP.esp

[X] HZ_M92SE.esp

[X] MetalTriTEXSwitch.esp

[X] Addwanda_v2.esm

[X] Clothed Sarah Lyons.esp

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is that your load order?


ok first off you need to move all your esm to the top


use this as a guide




next if you have a mod you never going to use again del it


ok for gun mods you need to put the ammo esp if you have one before the gun esp


then see how that gose also get fomm if you have not got it


oh and give my guide a little read its at the bottem of my sig, most errors in fallout are because load orders and mods that are messed up this crashes the game....

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