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COD4 clan recruiting!


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Hey there!


I am currently recruiting for my clan, S!<K. We are mostly PS3 based but anyone who owns an XBOX and would like to join still can, you just won't be able to play any of our clans tournaments.


As my signature says my addy is katashy2, so add me and i'll let you join!


We have an impressive FIVE members, not including me!


So yeah add me, join my clan, and fight!

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5 member woo. I think ECKO squad had like 7 before we merged with DNA1 now I have like 30 under my command. Good Luck with your clan hope to see you in Vegas within a year or two. Although by then it'll be Modern Combat 2 not CoD4
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I used to play on the Xbox, was pretty good with mp5 at least untill I stopped playing, since then it has been thompson/gweher on COD5... Is m16a4 still the dominant weapon?

That and the MP5 although I'm seeing a lot more people using the M4 again. Most good players are starting to use the G3 too. When I say good I mean people who have 15+ kills and only 3-4 deaths. Hardcore at least. On standard TDM people use a lot of AGOC'd M40's. I myself like using my G3 and my Dragunov. I finally got the golden one about 2 months ago.

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Ah, i use the G3, AK-47 or my M21. I am pretty good with a sniper, no-scoping is actually quite easy, like using a shotgun.


There are alot of people using MP5s and a few M4 carbines. Though i've seen alot with silenced AK-47, which is what i use mostly.

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ive got it on ps3. im orate at the game but only just started get back in to it, so i wont be as good. i mostly use(cuz i went into prestige on another account,and am only lvl 25 i think) but i mostly use m4 carbine, m40a03(something like that) or ma m16. also i may be a bit young.
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ive got it on ps3. im orate at the game but only just started get back in to it, so i wont be as good. i mostly use(cuz i went into prestige on another account,and am only lvl 25 i think) but i mostly use m4 carbine, m40a03(something like that) or ma m16. also i may be a bit young.
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No need for a double post...


But anyway i'm only 14, so theres no issue about age. Anyway if you join our clan and join us in a few matches you'll get better at the game. Yeah i just prestiged 2 days ago and i am level 38? 37? i think it's 38. anyway so add me and join! We are always looking for new members no matter what the age or skill level.

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Well i do go to school and i do go out but after school from about 4pm to maybe 10pm (i'm not on for 6 hours, this is the time range i'll be on, so anytime between 4 and 10 i guess...) Oh and i live in the UK, so if you live in America or somewhere else you might not be on when i am...
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