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Nifskope: Editing Effects


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Right, this is a bit complex, so I've included a screenshot.

I've been experimenting with spell projectiles in Nifskope. I have taken a vanilla firebolt projectile mesh & I have added lightning effects to it.
I have done this by copy-pasting BSValueNodes from the vanilla shock impact meshes to the firebolt projectile's MoverFireball01 NiNode.

This produces a lightning arc & sparks effect coming from the firebolt projectile in game.

However, I am unable to change the lighting, colours & textures of the BSValueNodes in the same way I can change them for the BSTriShapes. There is no BSEffectShaderProperty to edit.

Nevertheless, I know that these BSValueNodes are refering to vanilla texture directories. I use Voltage, a shock spell effect retexture. It features new colour gradient textures that change the shock effects from vanilla purple to a cyan colour.
The new lightning effects I added took on the modded cyan colour.


My question is, how do I go about editing the BSValueNodes to make them use custom textures like with the BSTriShapes?


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