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Enjoy DEPRAVITY but have a question (mild spoilers) on NPCs


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I basically finshed depravity I dindt go too crazy I turned down the drug lord route and didnt open the slavers market in DC, but I admire the quality attractive looks of my new female NPC staff in Hotel Rexford.


They look so good I wonder:


a) Is there a mod to "clone" them?

I seem to remember there was one where u can manufacture clones and/or synths of NPCs, but that is not really what I am looking for.

Maybe just a console command or mod to copy a given NPC to just have an extra same looks copy to employ ( no synth or Institute clone backstory attached or desired) in another location.

I very much want them, among other things, as natural settler girls back in sanctuary for my collection of pretty girls there.


b) or failing that , if I send them to Sanctuary to be settlers there will the mod automatically replace a missing NPCs with a similar quality girls in the New Hotel Rexford?? Or will the spot remain empty?


c) Those looks reside somewhere in the data files, yes, I presume as json files? So it should be possible to make some of them presets ?? Even though my attempts so far to go showlooksmenu SLM XXXID to change NPCs looks to presets never seem to work like they are suppsoed to... and the NPC either dont change at all, or if they do, they change but then soon become invisble (but still exist) as soon as I leave the cell and come back.


PS: Actually sancuary is full and will not accept extra settlers sent there the "normal way" but I have a workaround for that via ("make any NPC a follower" mod and then assign them to Sanct as a settler once we get there)

Edited by 363rdChemicalCompany
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