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Single-Line Workshop Borders


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Can somebody who knows about .nifs please make a version of the settlement border that is just a straight line? So people could easily make their own custom borders

isnt it just a extruded line with transparency and a glow map ?.. Problem is that if one needs to use more than one can they all be linked to the WB together ?

Edited by greekrage
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here is a simple example... Its line extruded and bseffectshader and alpha added to it with a simple texture with opacity... (dont know if you can set it up in Nifskope for the colour..)

The texture is something i rushed but the plane opens with the workshop just like a regular border and disappears upon closing...

I guess you could make it 2 sided and make it red on the back end but i think its not needed..


Edited by greekrage
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Nice work, but ... there's one like that (with fade-out to the top) with the game already. IF you have DLC06 (Vault-tec)

They used it at the geardoor & inside the tunnels.

well i wasnt actually trying to make something special...I just wanted to show our friend that its something simple to do... Unless you want all the fading etc effects as well.. Hell i dont even use borders in my mods :P

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Can somebody who knows about .nifs please make a version of the settlement border that is just a straight line? So people could easily make their own custom borders

Not sure if you still need a .nif for a modular "border wall", but you could do that with a couple of mouse-clicks in Outfit Studio as long as you don't mind the large amount of scrolling that comes with those large meshes. Just load a small and simple existing mesh like the one for Covenant, mask four vertices of a rectangle and delete the other ones in the mesh. Adjust the pivot point as needed, export it and it should be usable as modular workshop border element.


Worked for me for most non-clothing items in the past without all the Blender, NifSkope and other crazy mesh import/export acrobatics.

Edited by KikiVelika
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