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You were 100% right. I've been reinstalling everything and the errors are going away. Still have another 500 mods to reinstall but I've made a lot of progress. Fortunately, in regard to FOMOD installers, Vortex shows you the preset you last used which has really helped because I can't remember all the options I've had to choose over the years and builds this big get very complicated.


Anyways, thanks. You advice saved me a lot of headache and all is working out well so far.


Now I need to worry about my next issue... When Steam reinstalled Skyrim it updated to AE. My build was SSE. Gotta learn the downgrader next :) It's a neverending project lol

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I've reinstalled every single mod. Almost everything is back to normal. However, there are about 6 mods that say they are redundant. But, they are overwriting everything so how can they possibly be redundant? When I open the staging folder for those specific mods the folders are empty. It's as if Vortex is deploying all mods, but with these 6 mods it's not putting the files in the staging folder although it still appears in my LO as a enabled mod.


I tried deleting the mods, redownloading them, and reinstalling them but Vortex keeps saying they are redundant and the folders for these mods in the staging area are still completely empty.


Lastly, I checked the archives for the 6 mods to see that the archives have files. The archives appear completely normal and have all contents.


I have searched the forums for other people with this issue. I found several events, but none had a solution other than re-downloading and reinstalling the mods (which I've already done).



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