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Mod that connects all of DC?


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I wouldn't expect anyone to take on this task from some rando on a message board. So rather, I'm asking if such a mod already exists; one that turns the Capital Wasteland into a single connected world space. No DC Metro needed to hide the multiple world spaces.

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Simple answer: No.


Complex answer: each cell generally has some spawns deactivated and hidden until players go past by and trigger them. Also, the border/barrier contain them in cells, dont make them wander everywhich way.


If two neighboring cells dont have separate worldspace, they could affect each other and unbalance the difficulty of that zone. Say the Vernon square worldspace, if connected directly to general worldspace, player could draw the hostiles inside out to the sparser outside with a misplaced grenade throw~ Or the massive horde of SM in the western square between The Tower and the Capitol West gate, could be drawn outside to the western reach. The DC ruins area is generally level 16+ compare to level 10- of Potomac river coast.

Edited by laclongquan
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