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SUper beautiful gurls?? :p


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Been lurking and downloading in tesnexus for awhile, and I realized in some mods screen shots they have these uber beautiful and cute characters, very smooth texture and all.


How did they do it ??


Could someone please recommend me some mods for it ?


thanks :)



And also, I alrdy installed many texture packs like Ren's, and etc..no sucess, they're still male looking with tough lines/traces, heavy skin etc


In Fallout 3 its much more easier to produce a hot girl, but im havig a hard time with oblivion :(.again


Help? :confused:


and IIRC, there is a tutorial talking about this..where is it?

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I personally like the XEO 4 mod, for value it gives the NPC. Even that I really dislike what it does to my own character, it well worth it. Here is a good example of that and you should get toaster says that help to change the clothing as well.


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And remember, several of the posted screenshots can be photoshopped. For the face texture, there are some good face textures like Natural Face, Improved Facial Textures, Enayla's Facial Textures.
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I use Beautiful People, but yeah, any of those that increase the poly count on character faces is pretty much mandatory, some of the original Oblivion residents are hard to recognize without their mangled mess of a mug (no offence to Bethesda). :P
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CapsAdmin' Smooth EGT for vanilla race. It can be found on his Lattamer v3 mod.

Facial textures, as LFact has stated before:

Maboroshi Daikon's Natural Face and Danis13 Facial texture, Enayla's Facial texture, and Improved Facial Texture (or well known as IFT).


Last: patience with the Facegen's sliders :yes:


If you are good at Photoshop / GIMP / or other image editing programs, then you might want to create your own custom texture ;)


(and... yes, from now on, Kaleeya and The Sisters have their own custom facial texture. The body texture is the same Luchaire's UFF texture :) )

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