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Two Mod Questions


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Hey everyone, I'm working on updating a mod I created (Oblivion Meets Diablo), and I have two questions if anyone can help me answer:


1) How would I go about making a race that has black skin? [i've considered using the Drow race mod, however I'm looking for something more small and simple that doesn't require a bunch of other mods.]

Or, someway to just hide the face of an npc? For example, just the NPC's face is black.


I'm looking to make it so Tyrael and Hadriel from Diablo 2 has their faces hidden, like this:





2) Assuming I get permission, how would I go about using the wings from Midas magic into my mod, without having everyone have to download the entire mod? I'm just interested in the wings, not everything else.




Thanks for the help.

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I can only be of limited use, but some help may be better than none...


1.In the assassins creed altair's gear mod, part of the face is hidden with the hood, this could probably cover the entire face if modified...


2.From experience I know Midas doesn't have a tendancy to let other's use his materials with or w/o credits. However a "dependancy mod" was suggested at some point when I asked him. I would ask xilver this question, he may be busy alot of the time, but he's the best one to answer it.

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