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Mesh/Texture problems


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I have a problem with exclamation markers appearing where there should be pool/billiard ball triangles

on pool tables and where ever.


I installed a mod, and after I figured out what it did, I uninstalled it. Still didn't fix. I uninstalled all mods and still no fix. I verified the games content. No fix. Finally I uninstalled and installed it, and is still not fixed.


I really need help with this please.

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That's odd, what you describe is usually caused by having too many plugins active (139+), that is should do it on a modless fresh install is very odd. Have you ruled out the saves by starting a new game?

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I can't see what would cause that on a fresh verified install without mods, try deleting the ini files found in Documents\My Games\FalloutNV (not the ones in the game folder), you'll have to redo your settings again but that's all I can think of, redoing the archiveinvalidation would be another thing usually suggested but those items should be in an archive anyway.

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You deleted the right one - The game must be launched from its own launcher - so it checks for the ini and if it doesn't find one creates it - some other launchers bypass this step to speed up start times.

open your Steam library, if it does not say ready to play allow it to update. then launch the game from the library and it will create a new ini If there isn't one. You may also try verifying the game cache files - https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335

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If bbens solution doesn't work try copying (not moving) the Fallout_default.ini from your game folder to the Documents\My Games\FalloutNV folder and renaming it to Fallout.ini, maybe that will get the game started.

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