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  • 1 year later...

I'm pretty dissappointed with the direction things went, as the developers got more freedom they started sacrificing the fun and interest factor in games for realism.

I really didn't care that the levels in doom made no sense what so-ever, they were freaky they were cool they played fun.


Now it has all gotta be lobbies, and office buildings, and warehouses and boring boring boring!


I want my Ziggurat Vertigo's, and other completely bizzare level design which was done for fun and coolness rather than seeing that yes the developer can make a realistic office environment which will convince me that people would normally work here Monday to Friday if it hadn't been infested with zombies (actually sounds very much like a normal office environment)


(sorry about the rant)

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  • 4 months later...
I didn't play Doom very much. It's kindaa boring. You just walk through hallways and sometimes on Mars, but that's it.


HOW COULD YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: !?! Are you outta yar rabblin'-ass mind :wacko: !? C'mon, guy! Anyone who's someone has to have played DOOM at least ONCE. I never used to get ANYTHING done when it came out. I STILL don't get anything done cuz of it!


And how could you say it's "boring"? Are you blind!? That was the "golden age" of gaming IMHO, and it's still one of id's greatest legends. Games like Quake, Halo, GoldenEye, Unreal Tournament, or even TES might not be around if DOOM hadn't been developed. Think about it, you might surprise yourself.



On a side note, the reason I include TES in this list is because ever since Daggerfall (forgive me if this is incorrect, as I don't really know much about Arena), the series has been in first-person perspective, albeit slightly different from your standard run-of-the-mill FPS game, but nonetheless TES has been influenced by FPS games in one way or another.


Anyway, I still love DOOM, no matter how old it gets. Besides, I use Doomsday to play all the old WADs. I'd recommend using that engine to play DOOM, since you can play in 3D environments, and use 3D models instead of the old 2D sprites, thanks to it being OpenGL- and Direct3D-capable (use OpenGL if you can, since Direct3D is slower).

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That was the "golden age" of gaming IMHO, and it's still one of id's greatest legends. Games like Quake, Halo, GoldenEye, Unreal Tournament, or even TES might not be around if DOOM hadn't been developed. Think about it, you might surprise yourself.


On a side note, the reason I include TES in this list is because ever since Daggerfall (forgive me if this is incorrect, as I don't really know much about Arena), the series has been in first-person perspective, albeit slightly different from your standard run-of-the-mill FPS game, but nonetheless TES has been influenced by FPS games in one way or another.

DooM release date - 10 December 1993

Wolfenstein 3D release date - 5 May 1992

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Man, playing the original Doom hurts my eyes too much. I have it on snes, and wow do those graphics blow chunks. But the gameplay was good. You control the horizontal, the game controls the vertical. Imagine if aiming was that easy today? And yet Doom was STILL hard to beat.


Not to sound mean, but you're kidding right? right? o_O All of the console doom versions were horrid in graphics and even stuff was changed (missing monsters, graphics, etc). Plus it wasn't a hard game. Most people can play it on the keyboard only and get through the first 2 diffs. I'm only OK at shooters and I can beat it on nightmare without too much difficulty...


Plus the beauty of the doomsday engine by SkyJake makes the game actually play on higher resolutions. I turn off all the 3d models for that old school feel still though. :)

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Man, playing the original Doom hurts my eyes too much. I have it on snes, and wow do those graphics blow chunks. But the gameplay was good. You control the horizontal, the game controls the vertical. Imagine if aiming was that easy today? And yet Doom was STILL hard to beat.


Not to sound mean, but you're kidding right? right? o_O All of the console doom versions were horrid in graphics and even stuff was changed (missing monsters, graphics, etc). Plus it wasn't a hard game. Most people can play it on the keyboard only and get through the first 2 diffs. I'm only OK at shooters and I can beat it on nightmare without too much difficulty...


Plus the beauty of the doomsday engine by SkyJake makes the game actually play on higher resolutions. I turn off all the 3d models for that old school feel still though. :)


Okay, I'm putting Oblivion away, deeeeep inside my locker. Amazing!

(Am I the only one that completed the original Doom (I) with a 800x600 screen resolution? Sometimes I had trouble finding the switches ^^ :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
That was the "golden age" of gaming IMHO, and it's still one of id's greatest legends. Games like Quake, Halo, GoldenEye, Unreal Tournament, or even TES might not be around if DOOM hadn't been developed. Think about it, you might surprise yourself.


On a side note, the reason I include TES in this list is because ever since Daggerfall (forgive me if this is incorrect, as I don't really know much about Arena), the series has been in first-person perspective, albeit slightly different from your standard run-of-the-mill FPS game, but nonetheless TES has been influenced by FPS games in one way or another.

DooM release date - 10 December 1993

Wolfenstein 3D release date - 5 May 1992

Oh yes, Wolfenstein :D ! How could I have forgotten this true classic. I know there may have been other FPS games out before Wolf, but IT took the FPS genre down the road it's on today. DOOM only improved what Wolf brought to the dinner table. Thnx for pointin that out to me, Marxist ßastard :happy: .


BTW, the Doomsday Engine perhaps is the best engine graphically, but if you want a severe case of abdominal pain from laughing too hard, then try ZDoom. A few WADs made exclusively for ZDoom are some of the funniest I've played. There's a map series called "pooWADS", supposed to be a jokewad series, featuring badly designed maps, but with rather good gameplay. You can also find mods made specifically for ZDoom on the ZDoom Wiki. Check it out if you got time.

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  • 4 months later...

I remember playing DOOM when I first got a computer, No other shooter has been able to even make me happy still. It deserves the most influential game of all time award and many other awards.


On the first old resolution you couldnt see anything.


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