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A mod that let's you edit perks and skills


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Hi. I'd love to see an addon that allows me to do this, too, without "cheating" in the sense of getting extra perks that I have not earned or been given the chance to select by the game. In other words, as long as I was given the chance to select that number of perks or skills, or I earned them, I'd like to be able to change them later on for whatever reason. Of course this means that a player can keep doing this over and over again, and thus it becomes kind of cheating, but that's up to the player; ultimately, if the player uses it once just to correct a mistake or so, then the addon should be perfectly legitimate and a great convenience.


Anyway, until an addon like this comes out, you can do this with console commands.




player.removeperk <variable>

player.addperk <variable>
For example:
player.removeperk littleleaguer
(Remember to remove a perk before you add one, unless you do want to "cheat")
player.modav <variable> <amount>
(<amount> can be negative to remove a number of skill points)
For example:
player.modav energyweapons -41
player.modav smallguns 41
player.modav perception -2
player.modav agility 2
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