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Real Racism


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Hey there,

I often thougt about this theme:

Argonian often says Nords are Racist, I mean they aren't even allowed to enter the city,

but if you play as one, nothing happens, the only thing that happens if you not play

Nord only some sound samples aren't the same like the other races.

I would be a way deeper feeling if Nord would be really Racist. (I never played

Mer, so I don't know what happens if you play them)

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Same with Khajiit.


And yet there are Argonians running an Inn in Riften.


But you could hardly warn the Jarl about the Dragon if you weren't allowed in Whiterun.


And you could not join the Stormcloaks and get the Jagged Crown if Ulfric won't employ a talking cat.


The whole racism nonsense is a bit of a plot hole in the main quest and really should not be in an uplifting game at all.


Maybe it's just Khajiit traders are not allowed in the cities, because Argonians are? I think they work on the docks in Windhelm as well.



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I agree that this is a big plot hole in the game which has annoyed me since day one. Unfortunately, I think it would be very hard to change. The game is pretty much designed for racial equality for the player, so a lot of things would need to be changed.


This is something that Bethesda should have taken into account and designed the game accordingly...

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Argonians are allowed in cities, Kahjiit aren't.



Yes, that could be an economic rather than a racial thing - the Nords do not want foreign traders competing with their local merchants etc. But then, they do allow them to camp outside cities and trade there....


I have never seen a Khajiit OR an Argonian in Windhelm, although there are Dark Elves at New Gnisis and Argonians work on the docks. You would think it would be too cold for them. Are Argonians actually repltiles, or do the people of the Hist just look like them? It seems Windhelm really dislikes the beast races as much as the Thalmor.


I have not seen many High Elves, either, except for the Thalmor. Although you can play one, I don't think there is a single High Elf NPC that can be a follower. Just Dunmer and Bosmer. I doubt Ulfric would allow an Altmer to join the Stormcloaks, either, if the game was true to race hatred life.



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I agree that this is a big plot hole in the game which has annoyed me since day one. Unfortunately, I think it would be very hard to change. The game is pretty much designed for racial equality for the player, so a lot of things would need to be changed.


This is something that Bethesda should have taken into account and designed the game accordingly...



Yes, they would have had to have the Stormcloak Dovahkiin be at least human, but not Imperial, while the Imperial side would probably accept any citizen of Tamriel, even those who broke away in the war.


There would have been howls of protest about that when people found out they could not be a Stormcloak part-way through their game.


So even at the beginning, in Helgen, Ralof would have had to say something like:


"Get away from me, you filthy Cat/Lizard/Elf/Orc/Imperial!", while the other guy would say:


"Citizen! Follow me!", regardless of your race.



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I agree that this is a big plot hole in the game which has annoyed me since day one. Unfortunately, I think it would be very hard to change. The game is pretty much designed for racial equality for the player, so a lot of things would need to be changed.


This is something that Bethesda should have taken into account and designed the game accordingly...



Yes, they would have had to have the Stormcloak Dovahkiin be at least human, but not Imperial, while the Imperial side would probably accept any citizen of Tamriel, even those who broke away in the war.


There would have been howls of protest about that when people found out they could not be a Stormcloak part-way through their game.


So even at the beginning, in Helgen, Ralof would have had to say something like:


"Get away from me, you filthy Cat/Lizard/Elf/Orc/Imperial!", while the other guy would say:


"Citizen! Follow me!", regardless of your race.




Precisely. It would be cool and open up for different playthroughs, but the majority of people would hate the fact that the game restricts them from the very beginning.

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It would've been nice to have more dynamic dialogue choices in Skyrim. I always had a problem with how meaningless the dialogue system is in Skyrim. Hopefully in future TES series will include a Fallout/Mass Effect/Dragon Age: Origins(1) style dialogue. In those games it always felt for meaningful. In DA: O you could play as a racist Danish Elf and the game would play around that. We can role play all day but when a Nord is telling you (A Nord) about Nords is rather immersion breaking. It would have been nice to be able to have more of a outside influential role in the politics of Skyrim.



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