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Could someone help me?


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Would anybody be able to help me with retexturing a few swords? What I need is a version of the Nord hero sword, but with the ruins glowing white, and if possible the sword glowing a little bit, just so that it's visible in the dark, and the metal more white, but only a little. I'd also need a version without the ruins white, just the same color of the sword (after the retex) and maybe, and I don't mind this bit too much, a rusted version of the white sword. I'd give who ever helps me full credit for the sword, by the way. If your interested could you PM me? I'd really appreciate it if you could, since I have no clue how to do a retex. Also, would you be able to do a patch for the Better Shaped Weapons mod?


As well as the retexture, I need help with the enchantment i plan on putting on the sword. I want to have the enchantment do an extra five points of damage to elves with every 25 hits or so, with a cap of about 70 damage. I do understand that this will be hard, but, once again, I'd really appreciate it if you could help me out. If your interested just PM me and I'll tell you what I plan on doing for the mod.


Thanks for reading

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