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Exporting and Creating Custom Armors


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I've been reading and watching every tutorial I can find on how to create custom armors, but nothing seems to be working because whenever I try to replace a vanilla armor with my design in Nifskope, the model turns up blank in GECK. I'm confused as how to exactly go about creating the armor to be worn by the player. I can export weapons perfectly, I have no issues there. But I want to make sure progress In my mod does not fall far behind.


Below are the two models I've created. If anyone with this experience has any suggestions to offer, please, I'd appreciate any help that would allow me to publish my designs to my mod.

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Try copy and paste the BSShaderPPLightingProperty and the NiMaterialProperty from any vanilla armor then change the texture paths to the one you want. It's usually the first one that gets messed up on export so try that first. Also if you exported from Max or Blender a bad skin modifier or dismember modifier could also make it not work.


Open both of them in seperate Nifskope instances. Right click on vanilla armor's node. select "Block > Copy Branch" then right click the NiTriShape where it is to be pasted and select "Block > Paste Branch".

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You need to weight paint your mesh so the game knows what part of the body is moved by what part of the skeleton. It's the skeleton that's animated, the model just follows along sorta.

See if you can use this article: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Fallout._Part_1#Add_weights_to_the_armour



it's been a while since I modded so I've forgotten pratically everything. :D

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