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HGEC/EC clothing mods


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Sorry for my English.


I know there are tons of awesome clothing mods. I am using many myself. But I hate having all of the clothes put in a specific location like chests. That's stupid. Some mods at least allow the player to fight someone to get the clothes, but that still is not what I am looking for. I was wondering, is it possible to compile all the clothes and armours mods for HGEC and make them appear randomly on people through out the Tamriel. I understand it might be a lot of work, but I'm sure the result would be awesome.


What do you think?

Thank you.

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I don't know about the random part, but it is certainly possible to make them "appear" on people. This can be done via the Construction Set or with clothing replacers (both of which I have done).


If you use a clothing replacer, it overwrites original files, thereby making all NPC's that would normally be in a piece of vanilla Oblivion clothing wear the new (HGEC) one.


Using the Construction Set can allow you to make specific and individual changes to whatever NPC's you wish.

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Sorry for my English.


I know there are tons of awesome clothing mods. I am using many myself. But I hate having all of the clothes put in a specific location like chests. That's stupid. awesome.


What do you think?

Thank you.

if there placement bothers you, pass them by or change them in the cs "yourself"

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Thank you for your replies scarb and dezdimona.

I actually have no modding experience and have merely downloaded and copied over files. Could you please provide more information about the "Construction set" or "Clothing replacer." Witch method is easier?


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A clothing replacer takes the files in a mod and puts them in the folders where Oblivion looks to clothe "regular" NPC's, if you will. Take this mod for example - H cup Moving Medley Upperclass, (which is a great mod, in my opinion), it places new files in the original folders of the oblivion game, replacing the old files. Now for every NPC that would have been wearing Vanilla Item X (for example), it is now a modded piece of HGEC clothing. You could use this mod for a starter. Doing further replacement would require you to unpack BSA files and then manually change what files were in the respective mesh folders for all the clothing/armor items. This could be time-consuming, and please realize you are overwriting the existing file. This is not like a normal mod where you can turn off the .esp and then the changes go away. You will need to make back-ups of your original files (which is a good idea anyway).


If you choose to explore the Construction Set (which is a great tool and not at all that difficult to at least gain beginner knowledge of), then you can make your own mod (.esp file) that changes the clothing on as many NPC's as you like. You simply open the NPC's file in the CS, change the clothes in their inventory (with new copies of the files from other mods), and then they will have the new look when you see them in-game.

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Thank you for your reply, scarb!

It really sounds great, and I think I'll try that Construction set. Could you please direct me to a site or something. So I could get it.





Nevermind, I found it. :)

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