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Workshop Items hierarchical List...


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Hi Guys.


I have an idea for a mod, that may already exist. If it doesn't then I'm sure I'm not the only one who would find this useful.


When working on a settlement, or building my own player home, which I do in every playthrough, sometimes I'll find a really useful, and cool item to add from the workshop. Then a few days later I'm damned if I can find it again, due to the huge number of mod added items I have in there.


Would it be possible to create a mod that scans the workshop, then generates a spreadsheet displaying all the categories, then their sub categories, then the individual items. This would make finding that one specific item so much easier. I'm thinking this mod would have to be run whenever there is a new workshop mod added. So it can update the spreadsheet.


I hope I made that clear. It's a simple concept but hard to explain in text.


Anyway, just an idea.


Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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This one has come up before, and it's a rather good idea. Not sure that doing it in-game would be the best bet though, I was thinkin' maybe a script for FO4Edit.... Load up all your mods, run the script, and it would generate a spreadsheet (or, comma separated values... that you could then import to a spreadsheet...) that you would be able to print, and use for reference while building. Would only need to update it if you added/removed mods to your load list. Unfortunately, I don't have the knowledge to write such a script.....

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