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"The Legend Of The Sierra Madre"


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Well if you guys are aiming to put it all in one night, it may be necessary to alter the time-rate. Game time passes very very quickly, something like a minute per 2 seconds real time.

Yes, We're hoping to do that, Still thinking about that though :)

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Wow, I've waiting long time for a mod that would let me visit the pre-war time in New Vegas and actually do something there. Just a suggestion, take it or leave it, it could possible to make the courrier live that mod's experience throught a simulator. You know like the FO3's Anchorage DLC. I'm pretty sure that guys already have your plans, I just wanted to share my thoughts. Anyway the whole thing sounds great!

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Wow, I've waiting long time for a mod that would let me visit the pre-war time in New Vegas and actually do something there. Just a suggestion, take it or leave it, it could possible to make the courrier live that mod's experience throught a simulator. You know like the FO3's Anchorage DLC. I'm pretty sure that guys already have your plans, I just wanted to share my thoughts. Anyway the whole thing sounds great!

Thank you for your comment Epicmagus!

As for it being a simulator, I'm not sure that would work to well considering that The Main Character has a pre-defined background as opposed to the Courier,

Thanks :happy:

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