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Toggle-able bound weapons!


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I've noticed all manner of toggle-able spells on the Nexus but, oddly enough, bound weapons aren't among them!


Anyone think they could whip this up?


For the record, I do not want someone to link me to Permanent Bound Weapons because this is A) Not what I am asking for and B) it consists of only a txt file that shows you how to do console commands to add the bound weapon to your inventory and then forcibly equip it via console commands (which I am perfectly capable of doing.)


Thanks in advance!



Edit: For the record, it would be REALLY cool if you could toss in the bound weapon spells added by Bound Weapon Redux because I use that mod and it would be a wee bit silly for swords and battleaxes to be toggle-able but not war axes, daggers, warhammers, etc.

Edited by powderdjedi433
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I actually explained not too long ago to someone how to make a mod to allow bound weapons to be sheathed and unsheathed, but NOT be permanent. Not sure what they did with it, though. It's not what you were asking for, but if they ever got done with that, they might be interested in expanding upon it to allow them to toggle. I'm leaving now, but when I get back I'll try to find it and ask them about it.

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In my searching I managed to find this really useful Toggle-able spells tutorial that comes with its own pre-made toggle script that you just have to throw onto a spell, but for as simple as he makes it seem, I just can't figure it out. I'm really, really bad with the Creation Kit or else I feel like I'd have this figured out by now...

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That mod just provides a basic 9 line script. It does this:


-Cast Spell

---Does caster have ability?

-----Yes -> Remove the ability.

-----No -> Add the ability.


That's all. To make this work for bound weapons, open the bound weapon magic effect and remove the script (take note of the properties it is using, they'll be needed). Add the script provided by that mod. Make a new cast on self, constant effect, script spell and add the bound weapon script. Fill it with the same properties it had before. Save and close that window. Now go to the spells tab and make a new spell which is also cast-on-self, constant effect and use the effect you just created. Save and close that. Back in the bound weapon magic effect (the original window that we didn't close with the mod's script attached), fill the property with the spell you just made. Save and close that window. Repeat for all the other bound weapons.


A note: the script that mod provides has no downside. By that I mean there's the initial cost to cast the spell just like before, but after that, the spell just lasts indefinitely. It also costs the same to get rid of. This script will reduce the player's max magicka by an amount you choose for each spell. This way, when you edit the main Bound Weapon effect, set its cost to a very low value and they'll be able to toggle it on and off at will without being unable to deactivate it because they don't have enough magicka to cast the spell. You can also set which perk should affect the spell, and if the player has the perk, then the amount by which their magicka is reduced is cut in half.


Please note that for this to work, you'll need to implement the same things I explain in that link. Otherwise, sheathing the weapon will dispel it. It's fairly simple. Just attach the scripts to the right things and fill the properties. Anyway, if you want the weapon to be dispelled if it's sheathed, then you'll have to tell me because we'll have to change some things. This may or may not be true for the script from the tutorial. My brain's not at full capacity right now.




ScriptName X99_ToggleSpellScript Extends ActiveMagicEffect

Spell Property ToggleSpell Auto
Float Property MagickaReduction Auto
Perk Property PerkAssociation Auto

Event OnEffectStart (Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	If !akTarget.HasSpell(ToggleSpell)
		If akTarget.HasPerk(PerkAssociation)
			MagickaReduction = MagickaReduction/2
		If ( (akTarget.GetAV("Magicka") / akTarget.GetAVPercentage("Magicka")) >= MagickaReduction )
			akTarget.ModAV("Magicka", MagickaReduction*(-1))
			akTarget.AddSpell(ToggleSpell, false)
		akTarget.ModAV("Magicka", MagickaReduction)




I'm missing something... I'm too tired to figure out what it is right now. Also, this'll probably need cleared up, so feel free to ask when you hit a snag. Just don't expect an answer until tomorrow unless someone else jumps in.

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