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Wolf Skeleton.nif Crash


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Hello Guys,

you are kind of my last resort.

I cant for the live of me fix this crash.

It happens all the time.

I tried deleting the skeleton.nif in - meshes - actors - wolf, i tried disabling mods i thought could maybe have something to do with it.

Anybody, please help me make my game playable again!

Unhandled native exception occurred at 0x7FF6F0032A34 (SkyrimSE.exe+DF2A34) on thread 11980!

FrameworkName: NetScriptFramework

FrameworkVersion: 15

FrameworkArchitecture: x64

GameLibrary: SkyrimSE

GameLibraryVersion: 18

ApplicationName: SkyrimSE.exe


VersionInfo: Successfully loaded

Time: 05 May 2023 20:23:02.261

Possible relevant objects (5)


[ 1] TESNPC(Name: `Wolf`, FormId: FF0008BE)

[ 1] Character(FormId: 00085D0B, File: `Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp`, BaseForm: TESNPC(Name: `Wolf`, FormId: FF0008BE))

[ 14] BSFadeNode(Name: `skeleton.nif`, Owner: `Character(FormId: 00085D0B, File: `Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp`, BaseForm: TESNPC(Name: `Wolf`, FormId: FF0008BE))`)

[ 57] TESNPC(Name: `Wolf`, FormId: FF0036B6)

[ 57] Character(FormId: 00085CE3, File: `Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp`, BaseForm: TESNPC(Name: `Wolf`, FormId: FF0036B6))


Probable callstack


[0] 0x7FF6F0032A34 (SkyrimSE.exe+DF2A34) bhkCharRigidBodyController::Func8_DF29C0+74

[1] 0x7FF6EF82BDBE (SkyrimSE.exe+5EBDBE) Actor::unk_5EBD90+2E

[2] 0x7FF6EF798DFA (SkyrimSE.exe+558DFA) ModelReferenceEffect::unk_558D20+DA

[3] 0x7FF6EF7996BE (SkyrimSE.exe+5596BE) ModelReferenceEffect::unk_5596B0+E

[4] 0x7FF6EF7992B5 (SkyrimSE.exe+5592B5) ModelReferenceEffect::unk_558FC0+2F5

[5] 0x7FF6EF79800B (SkyrimSE.exe+55800B) ModelReferenceEffect::Update_557F80+8B

[6] 0x7FF6EF923B26 (SkyrimSE.exe+6E3B26) unk_6E3AF0+36

[7] 0x7FF6EF922130 (SkyrimSE.exe+6E2130) unk_6E20E0+50

[8] 0x7FF6EF91D617 (SkyrimSE.exe+6DD617) unk_6DD530+E7

[9] 0x7FF6EF7F3531 (SkyrimSE.exe+5B3531) Main::Update_5B2FF0+541

[10] 0x7FFB73C85EC7 (MuJointFix.dll+25EC7)

[11] 0x1DB5D70B100

[12] 0x3


Edited by Sandor252
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Do you have MuJointFIx.dll installed? It is possible this dll causes the CTD you experience. If you do have this mod installed, remove the dll from SKSE/plugins and test the area you gained the CTD in, if you don't crash, leave it removed.

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