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very confusing bound sword bug activating my script

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I am very confused with this bug, it is completely beyond me, please help!


I have a mod Im working on that teleports you to a home base instead of into the overworld.


It has worked just fine up until DLC2HighpointTower01 and DLC2KolbjornBarrow01.


It seems that when I attack an enemy in these cells that somehow the Bound Sword Spell is activating my script. Here is the script in question:


the script is on a door




Scriptname teleportActivate extends ObjectReference
ObjectReference Property HomeMarker Auto
ObjectReference Property PlayerRef Auto
ReferenceAlias Property FollowerRef Auto
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
if akActionRef == PlayerRef
Actor follower = FollowerRef.GetActorRef()
Debug.Notification("Teleporting Home")
if follower

here is also a video of this happening:
Any ideas?
*edit* after some testing, it has something to do with the soul stealer perk
Edited by richarg
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That is weird. I have no idea why that would happen. Would soul gems happen to be involved in your teleportation process? I suppose it might be possible that filling a soul gem triggers something. But it would depend a lot on what else you have going on in your mod. As of right now and with the information given, I cannot see how filling a soul gem when using a bound weapon (or any weapon for that matter) would trigger a script located on some door.

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Thanks for replying! Very strange, I'm going to have to start my mod over again, everything is bugged out and broken, no idea why. I'm going to use a spell instead of the doors in dungeons to teleport the player back.


I deleted the script, took it off everything I could, but I couldn't delete it fully enough I guess. It's still happening. tried duplicating the cell, no change.


So I disabled the plugin, and STILL it was coming up with a Debug.Notification("Teleporting Home") it didn't teleport me anywhere at least...


I started a new game, no plugin, and that seemed to do it, no longer getting the Notification. Therefore there was something wrong with my testing save.


Started a new with the plugin and no problem!


Im still a little worried, don't understand the bug, but at least its resolved. (I think)

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