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The Middle-Earth Roleplaying (MERP) mod


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Oh I got PLENTY of Sting images (and its already been modeled and textured in so many Oblivion mods). I need pictures of Frodo's, Merry's, and Pippin's swords that Aragorn gave them (essentially these swords, but better images of each seperately: http://www.council-of-elrond.com/castdb/sam/sam4.jpg)

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Oh my god, this is awesome! I grew up reading Tolkien!


I'm so totally playing some sort of pure warrior Dwarf if this mod ever comes out.


Oh also, you talked about possibly 4 quests for each race. My idea (merely MY opinion) would be instead to have a good one and an "evil" one.


Basically, either helping destroy the Ring, or helping Sauron recover it/crush any resistance. (Or maybe even take the ring for yourself, which I would gladly do)


The main benefit of this is that you could keep your charatcher. I think both main factions would be interested in a demi-god like the Champion of Cyrodill, whose strenght can probably rival even Sauron's (depending on level).

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Landscapers, scripters, modelers, skinners, animators, movie-makers, or even just people with ideas: we'd appreciate all the help we can get! 8)


It a looks great and I really don't want to ruin the great looking mod you guys are creating, but maybe a simple idea to make new load screens? It is seen in many mods but still, I always think it adds just a little extra.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OMFG!! This is like my dream coming true!! Wow!!


Thanks for making this mod!


Eh, I dont know anything about making mesh and textures and models but know how to workwith CS easily! I am a noob but can I please join your team?

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Oh my god, this is awesome! I grew up reading Tolkien!


I'm so totally playing some sort of pure warrior Dwarf if this mod ever comes out.


Oh also, you talked about possibly 4 quests for each race. My idea (merely MY opinion) would be instead to have a good one and an "evil" one.


Basically, either helping destroy the Ring, or helping Sauron recover it/crush any resistance. (Or maybe even take the ring for yourself, which I would gladly do)


The main benefit of this is that you could keep your charatcher. I think both main factions would be interested in a demi-god like the Champion of Cyrodill, whose strenght can probably rival even Sauron's (depending on level).

When it comes to the main questline, I think the plan right now is to focus on a SINGLE main questline, and it'll most likely be a good one. Also we're ONLY planning the Free People's races (Men, Dwarves, Elves, and Hobbits) as playable.


OMFG!! This is like my dream coming true!! Wow!!


Thanks for making this mod!


Eh, I dont know anything about making mesh and textures and models but know how to workwith CS easily! I am a noob but can I please join your team?

If you'd like to join our team, then fill out an application on our dev forums:



Sorry for no new news lately, things have been going a bit slow recently. On the bright side, UK47 is joining the MERP team, so expect lots of his wonderful weapon work :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Things have been a quiet around here (and I've been busy, along with the team), so its time for some updates:


Gap of Rohan (still very WIP):






Dagorlad (WIP):









Ered Luin:










Also more work on the Minas Tirith armor has been done, but the modeller/texturer doesn't want any more pics released until he's done entirely with the armor AND weapons (including Minas Tirith soldier, Citadel Guard, Guard of the Fountain Court, and Gondor Ranger armor/weapons).


Also just starting in the works is the Angmar fortress of Carn Dum, but the model is REALLY rough at the moment so I don't want to release any screenshots of it yet.

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This is looking EPIC! Can I ask though... Is this going to replace the original Cyrodiil? And if yes,what about all the modded locations like houses and dungeons? Wil they be moved? Will it clash?


Anyway, im going to follow this mod to completion.

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This looks absolutely gorgeous. Are all the modders running on high-end computers? I'm wondering if there was something about your graphics that's special or if your computers just leave mine in the dirt.


Also, what are you doing as far as music? I saw on the ning site that there were tracks for the Shire. I take it those aren't just the soundtrack songs? Are you planning on making your own scores for the entire mod?


Finally, where I can see people wanting to play the story of the Lord of the Rings, I would much rather just play through Middle Earth without the main storyline for the books. This would make it much more open-world (and would possibly allow for a populated and thriving Moria?), which appeals to me more than a story-line. I never even played Oblivion's, I just do everything else.

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