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The Middle-Earth Roleplaying (MERP) mod


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Hiya MERP team! I'd like to offer my services to this project if you'd like. I've been watching for a while, seen a few youtube vids and I thought this project would die tragically of a loss of interest, as most huge mods do. BUT it looks like you guys are hard at work! I'd like to help.

I'm talented in the field of textures, models, landscaping, and all things Tolkien. I'm a bit of a lore-goon. Read the trilogy twice and can help out with that kind of stuff if needed. Animation is not my thing, I'm learning, but I really don't have the patients.


I am sort of new to the CS and am currently working on my own project, (BaK), but I could definitely lend a hand in the areas I'm an expert in.


Anyways, I'm not going to clutter up your post with my own work, so if you're interested, drop me a line. ;)

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I thought Dark0ne (owner of this site) was making one for Morrowind before, and then dropped it or something...


Anyway, because I'm a bit of a fan of LOTR, I guess I'll try this when it's done. I'm not a very good modder, so I won't be joining the team.



This is awesome. Can't wait until this is done...


Elves, Men, Dwarves... Hobbits... = Playable?


Orcs, Uruk Kai, Goblins, trolls (not a forum troll mind you.) = Enemies? :thumbsup:

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I´m going to download this when it´s released, because I´ve been reading Lotr since I was 7 ( read each book 4-5 times)


I would help you if I could, but I´m not very experienced at all.

I started using the CS about two days ago so as I said, I´m not very good at modding yet.


I got an idea, maybe do it so that humans and elves have to sneak to enter and walk in most houses of the Shire.

Just an idea, it may be hard to use though as hobbits and dwarfs are short enough to walk in their full length.

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I´m going to download this when it´s released, because I´ve been reading Lotr since I was 7 ( read each book 4-5 times)


I would help you if I could, but I´m not very experienced at all.

I started using the CS about two days ago so as I said, I´m not very good at modding yet.


I got an idea, maybe do it so that humans and elves have to sneak to enter and walk in most houses of the Shire.

Just an idea, it may be hard to use though as hobbits and dwarfs are short enough to walk in their full length.

It doesn't matter your prior experience with modding. As well as you're willing to learn, you may have a place on the team. If you're interested in applying for the team, please fill out an application on our developer forums: http://www.createforum.com/middleearthrole...middleearthrole


And about your suggestion: I've been wanting to push for smaller Hobbit houses as well, requiring non-Hobbits and non-Dwarves to crouch while walking inside them.


the trailers are great 7x the size of cyrodill is unbelievable, plus has this got anything related to the hobbit in it? thx and good luck

Well Bilbo's adventure went from the Shire, to the Trollshaws, Rivendell, Moria, Mirkwood (through the forest and into King Thranduil's Halls), Dale, Esgaroth (Lake-town), and Erebor (the Lonely Mountain). We got the Shire and Mirkwood done, with Esgaroth, Dale, Moria, and Erebor in the works. So the answer to your question is a residing yes! :D


Expect ALL of Middle Earth in this mod (except for Harad, Rhun, Iron Hills, and most of southern Mordor), as our heightmap has pretty much covered all of Middle Earth.

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What you guys are undertaking is almost as tough as Frodo and The Fellowship of the Ring's quest itself! Best of luck with this, it will breathe a whole lot of new life into Oblivion - indeed, it'll be a complete new game, pretty much! Will it include the music from the films as well?

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I dont have a lot of modding experiance, but i would like to help. If theres nothing i can do in the mod its self i can always do voice acting. XD

You don't need a lot of experience to join this mod. As long as you're willing to learn more is what's important.


You can submit an application here: http://www.createforum.com/middleearthrole...middleearthrole




What you guys are undertaking is almost as tough as Frodo and The Fellowship of the Ring's quest itself! Best of luck with this, it will breathe a whole lot of new life into Oblivion - indeed, it'll be a complete new game, pretty much! Will it include the music from the films as well?

We won't be including music from the films as its a major breach in copyright. However we do wish to produce our own original tracks (and we have a music guy who's already done a few pieces).



And here's a new Minas Tirith trailer done by mr siika:

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This mod looks great. Can`t wait to it is done :biggrin:


When I use this mod, will I then loose all my castle mods I have added to Oblivion?

And what will happen to my argonian race and all the other texture mods and mods like Roberts Male body replacer that I have addet to my argonian?


And what about texture mods like this one: Wil it dissapear?




When do you think you will be done with it?

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