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Crashing Deadly Reflex


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Hi everyone and welcome to my very first topic in this forum.


I have a problem with Deadly Reflex (which is pretty obvious after reading the topic's title), that it crashes whenever the mod's .esp is checked.


If i uncheck the Deadly Reflex in OBMM, the game works just fine.


OBSE, Oblivion and all are fully up-to-date, only one DeadlyReflex is checked, and in the bottom of the .esp OBMM list - just like stated in the mod's description.


I tried the D-Reflex 5.0 and 4.


Does anyone ever experienced something like this before?





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I had this same problem as well, I think in the end it was my load order. I'm pretty sure Combat Moves has to be at after the Timed Block, and be sure to check that the Horse Combat esm is active too. Even after I was able to get it to start, I haven't been able to decapitate people, even with 100% chance. So even if you can manage to keep it from crashing, it still might not work :(
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