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No quest item flag in Creation Kit?

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Guest deleted2027229

Previous TES + Fallout have a quest item flag in the CS... but I see Skyrim doesn't, how would I go about removing an item's quest item flag?


I just want the "unusual gem" used in No Stone Unturned to be droppable, is there a simple check I can make in the CK that will let me and if so where can I find it?

Edited by WanderRA
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Objects that are flagged as quest objects are flagged on the Quest's Alias record that uses the object in question.

Open the No Stone Unturned quest, go through all 25 aliases and untick the Quest Object box near the top right of each Alias record.


But for this instance, why re-invent the wheel?

For 32-bit Skyrim:

There is an existing mod that makes the stones droppable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=11530

There is another that makes them droppable and have quest markers: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14525

And there is a third that makes them stackable (not droppable) and have optional quest markers: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49056

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The quest is called 'TGCrown'.


Fire up the CK;

In the 'filter' box (upper left), type 'TGC';

Goto to the 'data' menu (or icon), select 'Skyrim.esm';

Wait for it to load (use the escape key to skip warnings);

Expand 'Character' then select 'Quest' in the left-hand pane;

Double click on the 'TGCrown' quest;

Go to the 'Aliases' tab;

Double click on each on the 'TGCrownGemXX' alias and uncheck the 'quest item' checkbox.

Edited by xkkmEl
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