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Loadout list issues

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I'm having trouble with some mods that change weapon ammo types and enemy equipment. Basically, chinese pistols require 9x19 ammo, and chinese assault rifles require something I've forgotten. However, both weapons spawn in enemy inventories with the default 10mm and .556 ammo.


Here is my mod list. to the best of my knowledge, these are up to date. (copied out of FOMS.)


It's a bit confusing, and I don't expect anyone to read ALL of it, but hopefully it's something obvious to everyone but me, and here's the information.


Perhaps someone could just tell me how to fix them myself by finding and altering the loadout list?


<mod id="Fallout3.esm" active="1" />

<mod id="Selected Containers Respawn.esm" active="0" />

<mod id="Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="HairPack.esm" active="1" />

<mod id="CALIBR.esm" active="1" />

<mod id="Mart's Mutant Mod.esm" active="1" />

<mod id="FWE_FO3_Wanderers_Edition.esm" active="1" />

<mod id="FOOK.esm" active="1" />

<mod id="Anchorage.esm" active="1" />

<mod id="ThePitt.esm" active="1" />

<mod id="DarNifiedUIF3.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="AmplifiedCrippledEffectsV1-3.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="EnclaveCommander.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="Phalanx-MainFollowerModule.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="Phalanx-Obedient-Dogmeat.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="Phalanx-PerksAndStims.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="Phalanx-Not-Recommended-PerksAndStims.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="Phalanx-MoiraSupplySupport.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="AmericanMCU.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="1alexscorpionsnipergear.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="EnclavePACollars.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="EnclavePACollarsforEnclavePAImproved.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="hair_add_npc.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="jmschematics.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="DTOMRC3.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="bittercup_comp.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="RobCo Certified.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="UPP - Experience Perks.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="UPP - Pack 1.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="UPP - Quest Perks.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="FOOK.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="FOOK - Anchorage.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="FOOK - The Pitt.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="FOOK - Enclave Commander.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="FWE_00_QUEST.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="FWE_01_COMBAT.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="FWE_02_COMBAT_II.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="FWE_03_CHARACTER.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="FWE_04_CHARACTER_II.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="FWE_05_ITEMLOOT.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="FWE_05_ITEMLOOT_II.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="FWE_05_ITEMLOOT_III.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="FWE_06_SPAWNS.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="FWE_07_IMMERSION.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="FWE_08_FEATURES.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="FWE_09_OPT_PrimaryNeeds.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="FWE_09_OPT_NoFastTravel.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="FWE_09_OPT_VATS_Fast_50.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="FWE_09_OPT_VATS_Fast_100.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="FWE Compatibility - FOOK.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="Mart's Mutant Mod.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Spawns.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Increased Spawns.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="Mart's Mutant Mod - Feral Ghoul Rampage.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="Mart's Mutant Mod - No Corpse Flies.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="WeaponModKits.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="Mart's Mutant Mod - FEV.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="Mart's Mutant Mod - FOOK.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="Mart's Mutant Mod - FOOK + FWE.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE (Primary Needs).esp" active="1" />

<mod id="WeaponModKits - FOOK + FWE.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="Josef Greys Kozaburo Hair Style for Fallout 3.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="GNRFixedExtended50.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="AgathaRadio10[E].esp" />

<mod id="AgathaRadio20[E].esp" />

<mod id="AgathaRadio30[E].esp" />

<mod id="AgathaRadio40[E].esp" />

<mod id="AgathaRadio50[E].esp" />

<mod id="FWE_09_OPT_SkillBasedHackingPicking.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="FWE_09_OPT_lessviewdistance.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="BrokenSteel.esm" active="1" />

<mod id="MTC Wasteland Travellers.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="FOOK - Balance Changes.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="FacesoftheLaw.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="wadsworth.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="[uU] Unique Uniques .04.esp" />

<mod id="Wearable Backpack.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="Expanded Megaton House V3.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="Expanded Megaton House V3-No Stove.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="UPP - Original Perks.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="UPP - Beverage Perks.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="Enhanced Weather - Rain.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="AmericanBDU.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="01Tucu'sBandanas.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="PlasmaRifleAwesomefied.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="Armor Your Vault Suits.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="EMPVision.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="NAPA.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="EssentialFollowers+Caravans.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="AndragornsApocalypticArmoury.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="FWE_09_OPT_ExplosiveExplosives.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="DeadlyTurrets.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="Accessorized Helmets.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="CRI squad.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="EnclaveCommander-OA.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="eyes_hairpack_en.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="Weapon - Some Katanas.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="FacesoftheCompany.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="3EFdrgplate.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="kamikaze_armor01.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="japanese_armor_set.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm" active="1" />

<mod id="Enhanced Weather - Radioactive Rain Plugin.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow in Fallout.esp" active="1" />

<mod id="Mart's Mutant Mod - No Ghoul Raise.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="Mart's Mutant Mod - No Geckos.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="Mart's Mutant Mod - No Wanamingos.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="Mart's Mutant Mod - No Floaters.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="Mart's Mutant Mod - No Skeleton Decay.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="Mart's Mutant Mod - Broken Steel.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="Phalanx-Uninstall.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="Phalanx-OPTIONAL-WeaponChange.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="Project Beauty.esp" active="0" />

<mod id="Mart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.esp" active="1" />

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there are many mods that change vanilla weaps in your list... but the order is a bit messy, check pinned thread about mods and 1.5 for loading order clues. and ALLWAYS go through mod's readme, or you can mess the game - there you can fing compatibility guides to other mods...


and if you want to find, which mod is making the weapon changes, use FO3edit - after selecting the weapon you want, you will see a list of mods which are affecting it's behaviour and the info, which mod changes what...

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It seems it was a load order issue, as running FOMS seems to have fixed it while I wasn't looking.


Thanks for you help anyway.



As a point of order, all of my weapon mods have been checked and double checked for compatibility, and all relevant compatibility .esps are active.

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