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Looking for a mod - if one exists


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Ever find an item in the game with the perfect enchantment only to sell it because your player didn't or couldn't use the item? I'm searching for a mod that would allow the player to transfer such an enchantment from one item to another. There should be a cost to transfer the enchantment and a risk of the transfer failing. Just as an example, I found a two-handed weapon in the game with an awesome fire enchantment that doesn't require charges. My play style is archery or one handed. I'd love to transfer the enchantment of the big weapon to a crafted one handed sword. Any ideas would be forever welcome. Thanks for reading.

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Awesome. A million thanks for the responses. I was hoping one existed without needing SKSE but I imagine it's just not possible without it. As one of the few who cannot get SKSE to work properly, I won't be able to use it. Still, thanks!!

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