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CK kill npc a certain way.

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I have an alias and a reference alias property for the npc set up, but I don't understand what all this "string" and "bool" stuff is. Do I need to create more properties? What exactly do I write into the fragment box? I've tried...

ActorID.Dismember( "Head1", false, true, false )

npcAlias.Dismember( "Head1", false, true, false )


...both with and without quotes on "head1"


Nothing compiled.

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This should compile:

; The actual script fragment
MyActor.Dismember("Head1", false, true, false)
(MyAlias.GetReference() as Actor).Dismember("Head1", false, true, false)

; The properties
Actor Property MyActor Auto Const
ReferenceAlias Property MyAlias Auto Const

For data types in Papyrus (like string, bool, etc.), take a look at this wiki page and google "string data type programming" or "bool data type programming" for more general information.


This should be working too:

MyActor.Dismember(asBodyPart = "Head1", abForceExplode = False, abForceDismember = True, abForceDismember = False)

String is the data type of the argument named asBodyPart. (Google "programming function arguments" for more info).


Bool is the data type of the rest of the arguments: abForceExplode, abForceDismember and abForceDismember. It can be True or False.

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