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Weapon seems loose in left hand in 1st person camera [3ds Max]

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I'm modifying the animations of this mod [https://www.nexusmod...out4/mods/42225] and I noticed that when I walk, the weapon seems loose in the hand of the character. I can't say for certain if it is present in the original mod because the camera is farther away, I can't see.

I would like the weapon to stay still in his hand like the others, can someone tell me what to do or point to some info?


Here is a video of the issue:

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Hello there,


What you want to do is to setup an IK (inverse kinematic) and a Link Constraint on the left hand, so that left hand will be attached to the gun and stay there. Inverse Kinematic can drive a chain of rig, such as the whole left arm, from an end point, like the left hand. You move the left hand, and the forearm and the upper arm would adapt to whatever is natural. Link Constraint will keep the hand attached to the gun by dynamically linking it on the fly.


To do this (assuming you are using the CAT rig template from Nexus) :


Inverse Kinematic :


1) Select "Bip_LArm_IKTarget" (top right in your schematic view.

2) Select the Motion panel on the right.

3) In the "Limb Animation" section, you'll find IK system. This is where you can switch between IK and FK (forward kinematic / normal mode) by using the slider value (0.0 is IK, 1.0 is FK). Before you switch to IK, click the button "Match IK and FK" to move the IK target to the hand itself so that IK and FK pose will be identical, then move the slider to 0.0.


Link Constraint (while Bip_LArm_IKTarget is still selected) :


4) Click on the Assign Controller section in the Motion panel and open it up. In the hierarchy, click and high light the Animation Layer, then click on the Assign Controller button right above the hierarchy. In the menu just popped up, choose Link Constraint.

5) Scroll down and find "Link Params" section. Go to the first frame, click on Add Link button, select the WEAPON rig (writes the Target at the set frame), and click on the Add Link button again to get out of the selection mode.


Now when you move your weapon, your left hand should follow.


I hope this helps. :smile:

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