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Unremovable light on player problem.


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Somewhere along the way, i seem to have attracted a light source onto my character. From the way it looks and it's height, it almost seems like an unremovable candlelight, or perhaps a RaceMenu mods' face light, but i can not confirm that. The only other mod in my modlist that could cause it could be "Proteus" and it's racemenu (it has its own racemenu, or at least so it seems as it claims it to be "enhanced"). Problem is, that removing either or both of the mods doesn't remove the light, so now i'm just stuck with an unremovable stealth build ruiner (yes, it seems like the kind of light that affects stealth).

Unfortunately, the only save for this character i have that's not affected by this is practically the beginning of the game, and if at all possible, i'd like to avoid rolling back that far.

Has someone perhaps dealt with similar lights and could provide help in removing it?


Screenshot was too big, so im providing links here and here for how it looks.

Edited by aurimukiss975
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