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CBBE not working on NPCs


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I have CBBE, RaceMenu, and Bodyslide installed but there is only nudity whenever I unequip the armor of my character or take the armor off any dead enemies. Is this what is supposed to happen or is something going wrong because I thought it was supposed to make NPCs nude as well.



Edited by Appapa0
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As far as I know, nudes only occur if the clothing is removed somehow. There is a mod that forces NPCs to unequip clothing. Dibella's Compulsion ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1553 ). There may be others, as well. There are also the adult-themed interaction (sex) mods that will remove some/all clothing in the process of the events.

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There are also "generic" costumes that can be downloaded which have the necessary CBBE mechanics built in, which the vanilla ones don't


Remember that the nude body is NOT the same body that is used when clothing is equipped. Both have to be bouncy-complaint for bouncy to be visible when clothed or nude. Clothing(slash armor) comes with it's own reference bodies, arms, and feet

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CBBE is an improved body shape, no 'strip everyone' mod. NPCs around you still wear their proscribed outfits. You can change how these outfits look with replacer mods (i.e. Remodeled Armor, CBBE Minidresses etc)

And yeah there are mods that let you manipulate NPC outfits.

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