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A request for iconic jewelry and a Tolkien-inspired weapon.


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Greetings all! Let me just start off by saying thank you to anyone who shows enough interest to even check out this thread. Now, on to business.


All of the items in this request have a very personal meaning to me, which is why I want them to become a mod so badly. The first two pieces are jewelry that has been a deeply personal image of mine since my high school days. For those familiar with the Final Fantasy series, particularly Final Fantasy VIII, will no doubt know the image of Griever, Squall's iconic Guardian Force and symbolic necklace/ring combo. Those two pieces have more meaning to me than a thread could do justice to. In 2003, Squaresoft and Enix merged to become SquareEnix, the company we know today. In commemoration of that merge the company released a redesigned version of the Griever necklace and ring. That particular ring is the ring I am requesting. Here a few links for reference photos: (http://afinalfantasyblog.com/2011/06/01/ffviii-squalls-griever-ring/sam_0472/) (http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Griever_(Final_Fantasy_VIII)) (http://www.deviantart.com/art/Griever-195672657) I can provide more pics from my own ring if need be. When I saw that redesign I was blown away by the level of detail and the overall look of it. Unfortunately, the necklace was a huge letdown to me. For the ring to be so beautiful the necklace was quite hideous. So, like any good artist I set out to design my own version to match the ring. Here it is: (http://thundergoddevo.deviantart.com/art/Custom-Griever-Pendant-III-382579805)


The last item is a Tolkien-inspired, lore accurate weapon I have designed. I am currently working on a personal art project that focuses on the iconic weapons throughout all ages of Tolkien's world. While researching said weapons I had a desire to create my own weapon that would accurately fit into Arda. The idea grew and grew into something large enough to have it's own story. The result is a weapon I am incredibly proud of and one that I would LOVE to see made into a playable mod. Here is my creation: (http://s1021.photobucket.com/user/Alkariender/media/Laurelion_zps0cce4bfd.png.html?sort=3&o=0) I do apologize for the crude color work. Should someone be willing to pick this idea up I will send my full description of the weapon.


Again, thank you for taking the time to view my thread. If someone out there does decide to make a mod out of these I will be more than grateful to you and even willing to discuss compensation if need be. To see any of these become a reality in a game I love so much would be a real dream come true.

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