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Lets have a mod like no other mod, where everyone who mods puts thier minds together to create a....fallout 4..... it shouldnt take long if everyone helped, wed hava all new models for everything, new places, new npcs, new qeusts, if we cant do that then lets do a state near the capital wasteland atleast, but id like it if we made a fallout 4, i mean itd be really easy, all we need to do is put together everyone in nexus, or almost, and then in a month or two we could have it, thatd be sweet wouldnt it?? so lets get everyone who can donate something together and make a fallout 4, a new game.
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um... yes...


Lets do what took a game company with paid programmers, modeler's, etc. 4 years to do, and have a even better game done in a month. That's right folks, put aside your own projects to do a entire new game, lets ignore the fact that you are only doing this in your free time as a hobby, and are not even getting paid to do it. It'd be real EASY if we put aside our own interests and mods and created a game together!




I'm sorry kiddo but this sarcasm is tame compared to what some might say in response to this request. What... might I ask, will YOUR role be in this supposed project neh? Making new model's takes more than just a month. Even working out all the bugs in a decent sized project takes more than a month.


You don't seem to realize the time and effort that is placed into making a game, let alone the mods that people do. One cannot go wham bam and tada! There you go!


It just doesn't happen that way.

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Plus theres also the fact that its nearly impossible to organize a project via a forum, fallout 3 was made with PAID people who were in a comfortable environment and had person to person contact, not like a forum where you cant even chat in real time


Its a cool idea, but its beyond impossible

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Unreasonable request with unreasonable expectations of timeline, a proof that the OP is absolutely lacking of any experience or knowledge in the areas of modding, programming, management, online team organization, project management and most likely simple logic and common sense.

Please further your knowledge and do some minimal research, perhaps attempt some programming or modding and most importantly, think before posting time-wasting ideas.

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i like it.


but like you i got the same kind of responces when i posted :(.


if your not shy & want to dable in the geck then pm me & ill let you into my currant mod. its about the size of a dlc "maby bigger hopefully".


its not a new game but it dose have custom\new content & several new locations includeing area51 ooooooo.

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Well, If you make unrealistic requests you will get quite a backlash. People do not realize how hard it is to make a mod with GECK. Alot of the functions from TES do not work nor are present. So people who request stuff that was even doable in Oblivion isn't doable here. Also, Some Functions don't work like you would expect. The GECK has strange bugs that will crash when you save a script or just stop working when loading or even simply exiting the program.


Usually when modding a video game it's as easy as scripting some simple syntax in a notepad or slapping a .3ds model in a folder...But it's not like that with Fallout. As far as I know, only the IF - ElseIf logic is the only thing you can do within a script. This makes simple loops or basic logic statements very hard to do.


I Honestly believe that Bethesda hired a bunch of crack smoking midgets to make a game engine...


They would have been better off with a text based editing platform. Probably what took the game so long to be released.



Why do people always request 3D models and expect them to be made instantly. Do you realize that you have to move vertices around one by one to shape a polygon into parts of whatever you are modelling. That takes hours depending on the quality. Not to mention the time it takes to disassemble the model, make a texture and then skin it. That's alot of free time required.


Though Fallout 3 is very moddable, it isn't as flexable as you would expect. Alot of things are hardcoded and cannot be changed or manipulated.


I sincerely apologize for ranting on. My anger is toward Bethesda, not toward the Poster.

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there are all different kinds of people on these forums, varying in age and experience to say the least. and the request section doesnt ask to either of those before you are allowed to post, so its not really fair to lay into someone for a request.


I think its a noble idea, however it would be next to impossible to organize and also suffer from "too many cooks in the kitchen"

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Pretty sure it'd be illegal, too, since Bethesda owns the rights to Fallout and whatnot.
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okay then, thats enough of this...


i'll start off:


Title: Domination Nation

Type: how about a 'mini' DLC

Cost: Free Duh

Story: you recieve a radio transmission from a guy named '____' and he tells you to go to a harbor. at the harbor you see a bunch of guys in '_____' power armor fighting a giant deathclaw. after the battle ends the guy '____' tells you he is gratefull and takes you to a submarine. the submarine is fuggin huge, and inside you see a bunch of mechanics fixing giant robots much like Liberty prime. you are confronted by a general named '_____' and he tells you to help him kill 'MetaLurks' (cyborg mirelurks) in the lower levels of the sub. the general is essential so he wont die. after you kill all the metalurks, the general will award you with the '____' power armor and a giant minigun named '____', then he tells you that they are gonna liberate an island from the '____'. so you go to the cockpit(?) and tell the pilot(?) to go to the island. on the island, there is already a camp set up with a bunch of giant robots outside the camp. you are confronted by a guy named '_____', he tells you to bomb the enemy base in front of them with several C4s. after you bomb the base, the same guy tells you to go in a robot and kill all the enemies in the city of the '____' then you're done! the general awards you with a giant robot ready in the harbor, and you are allowed to visit the city anytime you want.


All by: Me, Twilightblade

then you can add sidemissions and new perks.


how about that?

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