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favorite weapon



90 members have voted

  1. 1. type

    • iron (rusty or normal)
    • steel
    • fine steel
    • glass
    • dwarven
    • elven
    • silver
    • staves
    • hand to hand "Hiya!"
    • bows
  2. 2. style

    • blade 1 h
    • marksman
    • blunt 1 h
    • blade 2 h
    • blunt 2 h
    • spell fling (staff)

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well i tend to love the silver sword, on good graphics settings there is so much texture and craftmanship to it. for stealthy caracters what id do is shot them and if they notice me i cast some shield spells, restoration spells then go in hand to hand(with a sword). for more sraight forward charecters i go in sword shining and all to hack them to pieces.
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When using my favorite Knight character, my fighting style gravitates between extreme offense and extreme defense.



As soon as my weapon is unsheathed, i run towards the enemy, in a berserk furious charge, using a forwards power attack (to f*ck up their health).


Then, i use the following combo:


Block, counter attack (power attack or 2 fast swings after blocking)


Backwards power attack (to knock out).



With my Stealthy character, i just use my Chameleon and Bow. Arrow in da head, sneak attack 6x, that's it: game over for him.

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I keep threatening to play through in blunt instead of blade, but I keep going with blade. I actually tend to start out with the biggest, baddest two-hander I can find (which would be the steel claymore in Jauffre's chest), but that's only because, early in the game, I don't have enough sneak skill to get in a 6x anyway, and I don't have enough block or armor or magic or potions or pretty much anything to survive a long fight, so I just want to kill stuff just as fast as possible. But as soon as I can do it comfortably, I drop down to 1h blade, though I still prefer damage over speed, so I go with longswords. Plus that means I get to use the fine steel longsword-- justly mentioned here as the best-looking vanilla weapon in the game, and the silver longsword-- my vote for a close second. If I do the MQ, then I switch to the Akaviri katana (then the Ancient Akaviri katana) when they become available-- otherwise I tend to stick with the fine steel longsword until the Elven shortsword starts showing up. The Dwarven blades just do nothing for me, so I just sell them, but I really like the Elven shortsword, and from the first one I get, that's my weapon of choice. And I pretty much stay with shortswords from then on, all the way up to, IMO, the single best normal, vanilla weapon-- the Daedric shortsword.


My strategy at first is just to kill stuff really fast so that I hopefully don't die, but once I get some decent armor (chain at least) and have built my sneak skill up far enough to get a dependable 6x attack and my block and such up to the point that I can survive an extended fight, that's what I do. I sneak and look around and move slowly until I see something, then I try to get into a position to get a 6x on them. If they're too far away, part of a mob or in a poor position for a sneak melee attack (I do NOT use chameleon-- if I'm not willing to pit my skills, unaided, against the game, then I might as well find a new hobby), then I pull out a bow, but otherwise I wait until I get a good opportunity and sneak up on them and hit 'em for that 6x. With the tougher opponents-- the ones who won't go down from that one shot-- I switch off sneak and start swinging at them pretty much the instant the 6x hits. Then when they go down, I immediately switch back to sneak, loot 'em, heal if necessary, redharge my weapon and maybe repair my gear and go on.....


Sometimes, late in the game, when I'm starting to get bored, I like to go back to a 2-hander, put on my toughest armor and just charge headlong through a dungeon-- openly running from room to room and just hacking away at everything. Then when I'm the only living thing left, I go back through and loot the bodies and open the chests and such. By that point though, it's really not fun any more, so that's when I start another game.


And threaten to go with blunt this time around. And don't.......

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