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Creature Ideas plus some features I'd like to see


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So I've not really found a lot of mods that address the problems I have with Oblivion's creatures, and the ones I have found that have addressed some of the issues (Such as Francesco's) often come with add-on creatures I don't want. So what features do I want?


More cowardly creatures: Wild animals like wolves and rats have a chance to flee rather than fight based on an opponent's level, instead of going on mindless suicide runs. Mudcrabs are passive (although I already have a mod that fixes this.)


Less Aggressive Bears: Bears are more like Skyrim, where they are passive unless you get too close.


Different creature factions: It's been awhile since I've seen any interaction between creatures, but I'm pretty sure none of the creatures really interact with each other. This would basically change that so that wild animals in the wild and dungeons wouldn't all be complete buddies. Animals would only be passive towards their own kind, and solitary creatures like bears would be territorial.


Predators hunt: If you've ever seen the mod SkyTEST: Real Animals and Wildlife, you'll know what I'm talking about here. Wolves, bears, mountain lions, trolls, and other predators in the world will look for prey to attack and kill at certain times.


Packs of Wolves: I'm rather disappointed that it seems like I'm always seeing single wolves instead of pairs or full packs. Wolves would now spawn mostly in pairs or packs of three or more, but would still occasionally be alone.


Chance of Fleeing: Animals would have a small chance to flee with each hit they take while they are half health or below, chance increases they closer they are to dying.


Location-based Variants: I THINK this is something vanilla oblivion already does, but this would be to a higher level. Antelope in the grasslands areas, deer in the forests, And elk or moose in the snowy mountain areas. Snow Leopards and Snow Bears in snowy areas, striped cats in gold coast and grassy type regions, etc.


More aquatic predators: Sharks in the seas, crocodiles in the waterways of the areas around Leyawiin and Bravil.



I have no experience as a modder, I have no idea if any of these are possible or feasible or if they're all a long shot, I'm just posting what I'd like the see in the hopes that maybe other people would as well.

Edited by AnubisRaven
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