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Teddy Bear Companion/Army


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Ok i have an idea but i am no modder.... I know it would be hard.... very hard but do you think it would be possible to make a companion mod where you can have a small teddy bear army follow you around? Picture this there's a hidden top secret testing lab where the us government made artificial human brains and organs and put them in teddy bears making them come to life to become little killers.... so you travel to this top secret lab (deep underground) where you reach a computer controlled teddy bear production machine where you can choose to make say 1-100 teddy bear companions that follow you around and obey orders. They would be the same size as normal teddy bears found in the game. Combat? humm well they could have a miniature arsenal of teddy bear weapons... mini plasma rifle/mini missile launcher etc. Just imagine having 50 little teddy bears protecting you against the big bad super mutants... make them kick ass! i cant tell you how much i want some one to make this mod! but i understand if it is asking too much.... but could it be done?
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It sounds like a nice joke mod, and it'd be rather fun to use for a few minutes. While going for a whole quest for it sounds rather out of the top, the concept of teddy bear companions is somewhat doable, you need:

1) the monster suits mod, there is a teddy bear one i believe.

2) Enclave commander.

3) Edit enclave commander so one of the options summons a team wearing the teddy bear disguises, you may also want to edit the scale of those npcs so they are bear-sized.

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Give's me an Idea for a regular companion. A Robo Teddy that follows the player around and can be added to the inventory via an option. Add in a little hilarity and you would have a nice Fallout mod. The Teddy bear factory would be a perfect place to find him.
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If you plan to upload it, be sure to either list the monster suits and the sharing and caring companions mods as a dependency, without re-distributing it's contents, or asking their respective authors for permission to re-distribute their work, alongside proper crediting.
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