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It has been sometime now and still no sign of an actual place to sell extra stuff.


Not sure if someone had already requested this or not and yes I did a search and didn't really find much.

So if anyone is in a generous mood, please make a place where I can sell my excess stuff/junk and I don't have to store everything all the time.


It would be nice to have a place with a fairly high amount of caps and their caps would be random and also definalty would replentish after a few days.


I would like a respond if anyone is interested in creating this for me.

Also "IMPORTANT" I would like it to patch 1.5 safe. Meaning it would work with patch 1.5.



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You shouldn't ask for a bank (place to store money) when you want a merchant (guy to sell stuff to).

Tho you could simply do it artificially, just open the console, click on your favorite NPC merchant, type "additem f 1000000" and press enter, now the npc haves a crapload of caps to buy your stuff, and his/her inventory will respawn in 3 days.



About 1.5


ANY Mod that edits an interior or exterior cell will NOT work with the 1.5 patch unless you run fo3edit's masterupdate over it.


Mods can work with 1.5 patch as long as the user (that is, you), uses fo3edit's masterupdate feature.

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I wasn't really asking to store money.

I was mainly asking for a place with a merchant who had tons of caps that I could sell my stuff too.


Not sure if you played Fallout 2 but in a town called Redding, inside the casino there was a guy there that you could exchange your stuff to for money.


I am just basicly looking for the same thing for FO3.

BTW, don't forget that there already is a bank in the game but the building boarded up and closed off. It is out by Takoma Park right across from Nifty Thrifty's.

Just use that one instead and just plant a few strong guards outside.

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Planting the guards counts as editing the cell, placing a door counts as editing a cell. Sorry, you either go for fo3edit and do a masterupdate or you cannot use ANY mod that makes ANY sort of change to ANY cell with patch 1.5.



A bank is a place to store money. A merchant is a guy who sells and buys. What you want is a merchant, fence, shop, market or pawn or however else you want to call it, requesting a bank is just confusing, and will get you neither a bank nor a shop to sell.

However, any merchant in fallout can already buy or sell, you can use the console to give them more money so you can sell them more stuff, i already told you how to do that on my previous post.


I am also fairly certain that there are already quite a few mods that add merchants with crapload of caps to the game, or alter existing merchants to give them a lot of caps. The search function is your friend here, just search for merchant and not for.. ehm, bank.


bank definition

bank (baŋk)


an establishment for receiving, keeping, lending, or, sometimes, issuing money, and making easier the exchange of funds by checks, notes, etc.

the office or building of such an establishment

savings bank (sense )

the fund put up by the dealer in baccarat, out of which losses are paid

the entire monetary pool of a gambling establishment

a common fund of chips, pieces, etc. used in playing a game, as poker or dominoes

☆ a reserve of things for later distribution or use, or a place for this; specif.,

a store of blood for transfusions, body organs for transplantation, etc.

a store or a device for keeping retrievable data a memory bank

Etymology: ME banke < MFr banque < OIt banca, orig., table, moneylenders' exchange table < OHG bank, bench: see bank

intransitive verb

to deposit money in or do business with a bank

to operate or manage a bank

to be in charge of the bank, as in some gambling games

transitive verb

to deposit (money) in a bank

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