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Hotkey Equip Script Problems


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The goal of this script is to have something equip when I press - and then unequip with the same button. This seems to work pretty well, the problem is it does this very fast. It seems to not do anything, but when I turn messages on, it shows that it's actually adding, equipping, unequipping and removing the item at a time. If anyone had any help I'd appreciate it. I figured out how to do it a while ago, but somehow must have screwed it up and now have no idea how to right it.




ScriptName NAPAVisorMode

float time;
short reset;

Begin OnEquip
set NAPAHelmetMode to 0

begin GameMode
if reset == 0
	if time < .5
		set time to time + GetSecondsPassed;
		set time to 0;
		set reset to 1;
	if IsKeyPressed 12
		if NAPAHelmetMode == 0
			player.AddItem ArmorNAPAHelmNV 1 1
			player.EquipItem ArmorNAPAHelmNV 0 1
			set NAPAHelmetMode to 1
			player.UnEquipItem ArmorNAPAHelmNV 0 1
			player.RemoveItem ArmorNAPAHelmNV 1 1
			set NAPAHelmetMode to 0
		set reset to 0;

Begin OnUnequip
player.UnEquipItem ArmorNAPAHelmNV 0 1
player.RemoveItem ArmorNAPAHelmNV 1 1
set NAPAHelmetMode to 0
rimod NAPAVision	



Where in this case the item in question can be swapped for something else for testing, or if need be I can send the esp.

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Well, you got a timer setup right there, so it *should* work if you increase the timer. The other thing to take into consideration is that passing the nomsg flag to additem and equipitem (and removeitem and unequipitem) can cause the game not to update the models accordingly, and most importantly, it tends to bypass onequip code blocks.


The timer however should still be increased to a second or two, or the code reworked so the time starts ticking from the point where the player releases the key.

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The timer however should still be increased to a second or two, or the code reworked so the time starts ticking from the point where the player releases the key.


This sounds promising, but I have no idea how to actually go about scripting that. The timer was yanked whole cloth from somewhere else, and I still need to fool around with it before I fully understand it. Any hints?


edit: I tried increasing the time, and it works most of the time, unless I click the key in rapid succession. I'll keep fiddling with the timing.

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Basically, your timer starts counting half a second from the point where the player touches the key, give or take some margin of error, it's rather likely for your code to register two keypresses when there was actually only one.


the code skeleton for a non-timer-using version that wait for release would be along the lines of:


If (Iskeypressed <sumkeycode>)
 If (DoOnce)
<Stuff Happens>
Set DoOnce to 0
 Set DoOnce to 1


A delay timer can also be used in addition.


If (Iskeypressed <sumkeycode>)
 If (DoOnce)
<Stuff Happens>
Set DoOnce to 0
 Set Timer to Timer + GetSecondsPassed
 If (Timer > <Threshold>)
Set Timer to 0
Set DoOnce to 1


Note that gamemode blocks will always run as long as the object exists in memory, that is, as long as it is persistent, it is in the same cell as the player, Or it is in the inventory of an actor or container in the same cell as the player (not sure if it would also run if it's in the inventory of an actor or container that is persistent).

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This is the current incarnation of the script, which admittedly looks very similar as the last one. The main changes are the fact that I've played around with the timing such that it works most of the time. However, I haven't been able to figure out how to, as you say, set it such that it activates only when the button is released. Plugging this into the code skeletons you gave me gave me the switching-too-fast-between-modes problem, but that's more likely a problem with something I did rather than the idea itself.


ScriptName NAPAVisorMode

Float timer;
Short refresh;

Begin GameMode
if refresh == 0
	if timer < 0
		set timer to timer + GetSecondsPassed;
		set timer to 0
		set refresh to 1
	if ( Player.GetEquipped ArmorNAPAHelm == 1 )
		if IsKeyPressed 12 
			if NAPAHelmetMode == 0 
				player.AddItem ArmorNAPAHelmNV 1 1
				player.EquipItem ArmorNAPAHelmNV 0 1
				set NAPAHelmetMode to 1
				set refresh to 0
				set NAPAHelmetMode to 0
				player.UnEquipItem ArmorNAPAHelmNV 0 1
				player.RemoveItem ArmorNAPAHelmNV 1 1
			set refresh to 0

Begin OnUnequip
player.UnEquipItem ArmorNAPAHelmNV 0 1
player.RemoveItem ArmorNAPAHelmNV 1 1
set NAPAHelmetMode to 0
rimod NAPAVision	

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Ehm... i don't see where you're resetting timer...


Anyways, take the code skeleton #2, replace <sumkeycode> for 12, replace <stuff happens> with your "if NAPAHelmetMode... else... endif" block, removing the "set refresh to 0" from it. Change <threshold> for w/e value you wish it to be, try 2 or so.

The whole thing should replace your gamemode block, change the variables you declare as necessary. Add the onunequip block you have at the end.

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