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Is your personality in Oblivion different from the "you" in


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Title should say "different from the you in real life?"


In Oblivion I'm a goody two shoes sometimes, but when crossed I can be pretty cold blooded. I love to steal and I'm a skilled assassin, especially when someone is doing wrong to others. (E.g. 1st assignment when entering the DK. Brotherhood. He definitely had it coming.)


How different are you in the game vs. the real life "you?" I'd venture to guess many people let their "dark side" shine in a game, doing things they'd never consider in real life. I'm a kind person 98% of the time out of the game, in the game, depends on the situation. I'm an activist when it comes to the underdog being taken advantage of in game and out. However, I must admit, in game I like being ruthless. :ninja:

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I'd say that my PC and I are both pretty similar. He doesn't attack the innocent, tries to be a good guy, and has the Passive Wildlife mod so he doesn't have to fight off the wildlife. In fact he wishes he could live in peace with the Spriggans too.


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can't even bring myself to do the Thieves Guild / DB Guild quest lines. Would be nice if there was a mod that altered them so that you could do them, but as a mole for Hieronymus Lex (like Myvryna), and still get all the phatz ;)
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Definitely not me in real life but I do either an all round good guys or just plain evil depending on the race I am.


I also collect gems and such and just drop 'em all over one room in one of my houses.

I just like collecting shiny things :P


and I'm always a hoarder. I gather any unique item like Daedric artifacts and non quest items (like the mother's head) and display them around one of my houses as a memory thing of my travels

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It is fascinating how some aspects of our personalities are hard to deviate from, even in a game. I know in the DB quests, it was always important to me, that the ones targeted for execution had done something to deserve it. Now as for Thieves Guild, a little theft is challenging and fun to find ways to execute the objective without killing. But I never mind offing someone or stealing from them, if I feel they deserve it due to bad behavior or a funky attitude. I never steal from the poor or slaves though, that just ain't right, lol


I hoard stuff too, although I couldn't bring myself to mess with Mother's Head, lol That's some hard core hoarding there! I won't touch bones and don't like "pagan" stuff around. In my Anvil house, I hate going in the basement because of that inner room.


Killing the animals that attack me doesn't bother me, but killing domesticated animals and gentle ones does. I've never killed a deer and felt terrible the time I killed a dog, even though it did attack me. Rats don't count, lol They're fair game.


I guess when it comes right down to it, I'm like a Robin Hood type player. I'll always go out of my way to help, but if you're dastardly, then I'll be dastardly too, lol

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Yes I'm more evil in this game and on the same time much nicer.

But i noticed that i collects useless stuff that's worth nothing then one day i change my mind and throws everything in a river xD

Like once i collected all shoes i found in Oblivion.

uhm yeah i collect useless things just like i did when i was around 6-10 years old.


But my personality depends much on what i play like if i play like a mage I'm a nice guy that never kills any one, but if I'm like a marksman everything in my path dies.

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"i collect useless things just like i did when i was around 6-10 years old."


There's a trading cards mod somewhere on tesnexus (can't get the link right now as it's having one of its IPS Driver Error moments). You find them in various places around Cyrodiil. They can be sold for various values depending on their rarity.

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