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Is your personality in Oblivion different from the "you" in


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Damned good insight Exan! And that's one of the things I'm talking about. We may do things differently in Ob than we'd do in real life, but I believe there are still some core elements of "us", who we are, that remain even in game. I do many things contrary to what I'd do or how I'd react in real life, but if I stop and really think about it, many things are essentially the same, when it gets right down to it. I'm sweet, but I'm also sassy when the situation calls for it.


And David, I bet you're every bit as cool in person as you are in game. :)

My character talks all the time. It might be aloud to the screen and to myself, but she is still "chatty" just like me :P

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I have both evil and good characters btu i have to say that I'm probably most like my thief character. Now I'm not implying that i steal stuff on a regular basis but otherwise we are pretty similar. I doubt I'm as heroic as my main goodguy probably because there's not much good stuff I can do in my life but I'm deffiantly not as bad as my assasin.
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Most of my RPG characters follow the same basic template:


- Generous- doesn't seek the beggars out, but if one speaks to my character he/she will stop and give them gold.

- Moral- not always above breaking the rules (the rules are sometimes wrong), but always willing to accept the consequences if caught.

- Honorable- Never starts a fight without just cause, defends the weak, opposes the evil, etc...

- Good with ranged weaponry- bows, guns where applicable.

- Stealthy- going unnoticed is always an advantage. Avoiding a confrontation is the best way to resolve it.

- High abuse threshold- is willing to take quite a lot of crap before losing his/her temper.

- Kind- tends not to tell people what he/she really thinks of them unless they've truly crossed the line.

- Trustworthy- even if there are no consequences, he/she will tend to deliver the valuable package rather than pawn it.


My characters mostly think like I do, they just don't always act as I do. They've been known to show no mercy to bandits, marauders, highwaymen, or anyone else whose purpose is to harm the innocent, and will often go pretty far out of their way to be the living embodiment of terror for those sorts. In contrast, I'm a very exceptionally nonviolent person. "Just cause" gets interpreted rather loosely in game; even if they're not actively hurting people, having done so in the past is enough for a summary execution. As long as they're sure the deceased deserved to die, they won't lose sleep over ending the schmuck. The same goes for stealing; normal morality does not apply to dealing with corrupt bastards, callous bastards, and outright evildoers.


I use that as my excuse to stray down the "dark path" when I want to do the DB and TG questlines (and the Shivering Isles main quest, for that matter); many of the targets of those quests really deserve what they get. My PC "falls" to evil little by little until straight-up murder for hire becomes ok, finishes off the quests, then "breaks free" of the evil influence that took hold of them and typically does the pilgrimage/KotN quest as an act of redemption. Sometimes I spice things up by letting him/her contract vampirism while doing the Azura's Shrine quest and that starts it all off. I can't bring myself to just go evil out of hand though; there has to be a starting point or I can't get into the character. I can't empathize with someone who doesn't have a problem with doing evil things; if my characters "go bad" they agonize over every minute of it. ;)


I don't like playing perfect characters in any case; even if I don't let them go full-blown evil I'll have them do some morally gray things so they're more believable. They do polish up pretty shiny though- when I play games with good/evil sliders, I rarely ever finish a game without maxing out on the good side.


On the alignment grid, most of my characters fall under Chaotic Good; I usually come down more on the Lawful Good side of things.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well....Almost the same. I'm the kind of the person who will be nice one minute then punch someone in the face the next. Like on quests. One I remember was Paranoia, with Glarthir. I did what he told me to, and got paid. After completing the quest I basically sucker punched Glarthir into the Chapel Wall and walked away. PS: Due to mods I have, Glarthir has a scythe...and it's a weapon....It's nice to see a crazy Bosmer with a scythe walking towards you...
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Title should say "different from the you in real life?"


In Oblivion I'm a goody two shoes sometimes, but when crossed I can be pretty cold blooded. I love to steal and I'm a skilled assassin, especially when someone is doing wrong to others. (E.g. 1st assignment when entering the DK. Brotherhood. He definitely had it coming.)


How different are you in the game vs. the real life "you?" I'd venture to guess many people let their "dark side" shine in a game, doing things they'd never consider in real life. I'm a kind person 98% of the time out of the game, in the game, depends on the situation. I'm an activist when it comes to the underdog being taken advantage of in game and out. However, I must admit, in game I like being ruthless. :ninja:


I would say that the "me" in Oblivion is like the me in real-life the majority of the time. I based my main character on myself, or the me that I try to be, at least. The largest differences would be the physical. I have darker hair in real-life, my beard is shorter, and I don't have blue eyes.

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My character in Oblivion is completely different from me in many ways.



I am overly sensitive to injustices that I hear or read about. I won't watch certain movies because I've heard stories about how an actress was uncomfortable being nude on camera (Desperado, Thomas Crown Affair to name two). I won't buy clothes that are associated with unfair labor practices, such as Nike factories in Indonesia locking people in at night and raping women. I'm very touchy politically (I'm liberal), for sort of the same reasons. I have a hard time saying no to beggars on the street, and always over tip at restaurants. In other words, I'm overly altruistic, perhaps obsessively so.


(I actually have two instances in my past that I regret horribly, so maybe I'm trying to make up for it unconsciously.)


What else? I'm male, middle class, two college degrees (history with a focus on Medieval Europe and Visual Effects with a focus on 3D Modeling). I believe deep down that every person is good and well-meaning to some degree; it's the masses that are evil and idiotic.



My character is a character from a book I wrote years ago. She was my favorite at the time, so I figured why not play her in the game if I can be anyone? Her backstory sort of matches Oblivion.


She was born to wealth, looks down on people who aren't equal to her. She'll only do good deeds if she can get something out of it. She ignores beggars and enjoys killing people in the arena. She refused the thieves guild outright, however, and only did two missions for the DB before deciding it was beneath her. She will ocassionaly help royalty, even though she hates them as well.


She is also extremely racist, which in the game is against Argonians, Orcs, and Kajitts, but that mostly just comes from my dislike of those creatures from a design standpoint.


The only thing she has in common with me is that she empathizes with women in trouble, but very very unlike me, she has no problem corrupting people for her amusement.


Basically, she has no problem helping people because it keeps the world around her equal and manageable, but once she stops Oblivion she has every intention of killing every guard she finds and taking over the land herself, by force.


She enjoys violence and if she were a real person in our modern world, she would entertain mild curiosity for various sick and disgusting websites that can be found.


I, however, refuse to give such websites press.



So she's more evil inside than her actions might seem. It's her childhood mostly. Freud would probably say she has daddy issues.

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  • 5 months later...
This is a very good topic Netwit2008 :thumbsup: but I have to say no. In Oblivion I'm always crazy coldblooded assassin but in the real life I'm pretty calm and peaceful person. But my thoughts are pretty sadistic lol :biggrin:
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Well,my character in Oblivion was an honored warrior,mostly good,helping the people all the time,not going for a killing rampage for no reason,etc,but if it is needed to be a bit bad,such as joining the Dark Brotherhood,it was no trouble at all. :thumbsup: My character was adaptable for any situation,for every task,whatever comes as a 'path of destiny',in game. In this game I was able to to do things I couldn't in reality,not because I didn't want to,it was because I really couldn't,it wasn't in my power,it was more bigger then me,then everyone on my side.Bigger then the 'small people',roughly said.The character I played with,has a hard head,pretty stubborn,skilled warrior,brave and honored,and always up for something to do,very protective over friends and the peasantry.But under that thick skin,there was a sea of emotions,a real sensitive side,of every kind,towards every character in game,from a merchant to the emperor,for the art,music,a dance,standing in Anvil Harbor and watching the sunset and all those pretty little stuff which makes joy to most of us.That is me in reality,without bragging,I proved to myself those things many times in the past,both difficult and hard situations.Sometimes,I just had to be tough,and still have,as I work as a bodyguard,that is my work for years now,I was a bouncer in the various clubs here,too,not anymore though,as I am in mature years,to be a 'gorilla at the doors'.Before working as a bodyguard,I was something else,but I don't like to bring that up open like this.Anyways...I got my education in music,I finished both lower and high music school here in Serbia,I am sensitive deep inside,I prefer a good book or a walk to the museum or a concert,rather then drinking in a dive bar and brawling ,for fun.I collect movies in my free time,and make some little mods here,I have a rabbit as a pet :biggrin: ,too,I enjoy in working out,to feel healthy,not just for the good looks,I am not obsessed with that,never been.I have 9 cousin sisters and one half sister and two half brothers,and I am the eldest one,so I enjoy the time with the family as much as I can,and I try to put them on a good path with advices and wisdom I gathered from my own victories and defeats.I am able,like my character was,to be hard and tough when the situation requires,yet sensitive and soft when it comes to human relationships,hobbies and interests. My character was exactly what I am in reality.Of almost forgotten and despised nation,6'4 260 pounds punching machine with a thing for a good cup of tea and Slavic fairytales to read.


Oh and,as for the game...I hated to be a part of the Thieves Guild! :mad:


I hate thieves,and I vote for that old mediveal age law of a blade over the thief's hand,for straightening him up. :thumbsup: Ruthless but effective.


Why I hate thieves?Because the one who can steal,can betray you,too.Betrayal and treachery are the things I despise the most,in reality.


Happy hunting,brothers and sisters of Oblivion. :smile:

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Intriguing topic. Probably one of the best reads on these boards.


I used Facegen to create myself in the game too, though my face is currently stuck to an "Ancient Elven Sorcerer" (if you ain't got this race, look em up. Fan-bloody-tastic. Even if I have altered the stats a touch to favour more of an assassin than a mage. They just look ace. :D ) so he doesn't really look like me. I hope. heh heh. (He started life as a Dunmer. Then a Lineage II Dunmer. Purely because they looked better. When I found the Ancients I knew that would be his last and I knew I'd have to remake the face... which was actually the hardest thing about creating that charector)


He's definately NOT altruistic. Far from it. He takes what he wants, when he wants it, and for his own reasons. Think AC/DC's Problem Child Lyrics; What I like I take, what I don't I break, And I don't like you and that would give you his motto in life. He's slaughtered armies of guards. A CM Partner who gave him some lip for biting a fellow Vampire (hey - I wanted to know if I could make a vampire my slave as I can mortals with the fun "training Cattle" mod) was decapitated and his body dumped in the doorway of the Imperial Palace as a message to future "miscreants". Half of Bruma's entire population was slaughtered because one of the priests got a bit high and mighty... (watching 2 Acient Elves - Jenrai and Marcena, my custom CM, and the four Xenomorphs from Divine Avenger's wicked CM Partners range kick the living crap out of an entire town is absolutely comical!!!)

Basically, he helps everyone though - because then they owe him. Particularly if he thinks he can get something out of it. And if he doesn't get anything, or he doesn't think the reward was worth the effort, well... lets just say they usually regret it.(the Phalacrecy{sp?} of WHAT? *thwap*)


In reality I'm a much more reserved, more focused kind of guy. I'm a former British Marine, so I have been in situations where "excessive force" was not only warranted, but necessary, and I'm still alive and fully functional, so I guess you could say I was not found wanting in those situations... but I didn't like being in those situations, whereas Jenrai will go out of his way to create them. I know my bit about swords (though Ancient Japanese weapons interest me infinitely more than thier European counterparts) and stealth, but though I've held a bow, I've never used one. Obviously I know a little bit of Destruction magic too. (lol - kidding)


Basically, my charector CAN get away with murder, and so frequently does. I can't. And even if I could I wouldn't kill for the sheer hell of it. Whilst there are people who do deserve to meet a rapid and sticky fate (and even one or two who deserve to cop for it, dare I say it, a little slower) none of us have the right to play god. We live in a so-called civilised world... and whilst I will defend those who need defending if I can, its not my place to enforce retribution on those that do wrong. That would simply make me as bad as them in the first place.



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